Creative Campus will tap into storytelling’s ability to build connections between people and cultures during their event, LatiNOW: A Night of Storytelling, on Thursday.
An event designed to engage the UA community and get members interacting with different cultures and people, LatiNOW will be a non-typical learning event. It won’t be set up like a lecture, but rather a community gathering where stories are told and discussions are held.
“It’s not meant to be rigid,” said Adam McGrew, a sophomore majoring in political science and international studies and Creative Campus intern. “It’s meant to be free flowing, so we want people to be relaxed; we want people to come and learn and be open.”
What: LatiNOW: A Night of Storytelling
Who: This event is open to the UA community and is put on by Creative Campus. Natalie Lima, Juan Reyes and Lila Weaver, members of the UA community, will present personal essays and stories about contemporary Latino life in America.
When: Thursday, Oct. 6. 7 p.m.
Where: Ferguson Student Center, Great Hall
“I think [LatiNOW] is a great way that people can interact and get engaged with the UA community,” McGrew said. “…We have UA community members that are telling their stories, giving their perspectives, and sharing their understanding of Latino-American culture, so it’s definitely a learning opportunity, but it’s also an opportunity to connect with your peers and discuss what you hear.”