Uber will soon be available in Tuscaloosa, city officials said.
On Tuesday evening, the City Council voted to 6-1 to approve vehicle for hire services, such as Uber, to operate in Tuscaloosa.
The first vote on the ordinance occurred on June 21 and would have required a unanimous response in order to pass. However, the second vote only needed approval from the majority.
Councilman Kip Tyner was once again the dissenting vote.
“We’ve struggled with this for a long time,” said Councilman Eddie Pugh.“Trying to come up with something fair and most of all, safe for the citizens.”
Tyner listed unfairness to taxi cab drivers as his primary reason for voting against the ordinance.
“I am not against Uber,” he said. “I’m against an uneven playing field.”
Tyner said he believes that, like taxi cab drivers, Uber drivers should be required to operate under individual business licenses. He said he fears that local cab drivers will struggle as a result of Uber operating under one license.
“I wish Uber the best,” Tyner said. “I hope they don’t have any incidents and I hope they do really well.”
Uber is expected to be operating in Tuscaloosa in 30 days.