What: “Pelo Malo” Film Screening. The film follows the story of Junior, a 9-year-old boy living in Venezuela who, because of his mixed ancestry, struggles with his physical identity.
Who: Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies Program
When: 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 17
Where: ten Hoor Hall 125
Why: “We’re trying to bring visibility to the new Latin American studies program… and also to bring greater awareness about some of the shared histories that the United States and Latin America have in common,” said Teresa Cribelli, an assistant professor in the Department of History. “The film will really kind of bring to light, at least in the context of Venezuela, discussions about race and bodies and hair and all the meanings those convey.”
“Race is a construction. It is a cultural value; we build it together in the way we talk about particular populations. I think illustrating that, as well, is something students can get out of this,” she said.
There will be snacks and a brief discussion following the film.