Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

    To The Unsung Heroes

    Barbara Glanz, author of the book “The Simple Truths of Appreciation,” wrote: “Appreciation is a free gift that you can give to anyone you encounter-it is completely your choice. And each time you choose to thank someone for a job well done, you are making the world a better place.” Every day, there are tens of thousands of students, faculty and staff on this campus who are working hard, and it’s a sad reality that many of them may go unnoticed or never receive the gratitude that they deserve. There are many people who I need to thank for providing me with the unforgettable experience I’ve had at Alabama.

    First, to my fellow students: Thank you for sharing in the joys and woes of class and for always providing opportunities to find entertainment, even when we were facing test No. 3 in organic chemistry, the final projects in CBH or our Black Belt Experience proposals. You’ve been my tutors, and I’ve learned so much from you. If you haven’t tried to meet someone in class, I recommend it – some of my best friendships were started by sitting next to someone new and saying, “Hey, I’m Sam.”

    We hold the keys to making The University of Alabama a university that we can all be proud of as alumni. The hard and genuine work that many of you are doing in the fields of research, athletics and recruitment is invaluable to our school, and the ripple effect of your efforts is immeasurable. Even though not everyone will win an NSF grant or be named a Truman Scholar, the work you are doing is sincerely appreciated. Applications for awards and honors can only judge what is on the piece of paper you submit, but an application is not a person, and you are more than your application. Please don’t let how others perceive you and your work define you.

    To the people who help get other students home safely at night: You are someone’s guardian angel. With that said, let’s make use of the Downtown Express and 348-RIDE more often because stranger danger is still a thing, even in college. But in all things, let’s do our best to behave with honor and integrity, whether it’s in class, the stadium, at home or 
at work.

    Next, the professors of UA: Thank you for putting up with us students and for continually showing how much you care about our success. Thank you for staying after class to answer our questions, for making yourselves available to us, and for doing whatever you can to help us reach our dreams. The fact that I could build a relationship with and get a recommendation letter from my intro to biology instructor, who had 229 other students to look after, speaks to the lengths you all will go for us.

    A school like The University of Alabama couldn’t operate without the tremendous support staff that works hard for us, and so every day we should give them our thanks as well. Our grounds are pristine and our food from The Ferg is delicious, so I want to thank every person who helps feed us, who cleans after a gameday or party weekend or does any other vital task for Alabama.

    Finally: Thank you to Dr. Judy Bonner, Dr. Shane Sharpe, Dr. Jacqueline Morgan, Dr. Kim Caldwell, Dr. Elizabeth Cockrum, Mrs. Jane Batson and Ms. Lucy … you are all changing lives. Roll Tide Roll.

    Sam Andersen was the president of Blue Key Honor Society.

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