The fees differ among each individual college at the University, ranging from $41.50 per course hour for classes, facilities and technology at the College of Commerce and Business Administration to $9.50 per course hour for facilities at the College of Social Work, according to Fees are decided by the Office of Academic Affairs.
“Colleges make a proposal to the Office of Academic Affairs for a fee to support specific aspects of their teaching mission,” Interim Provost Joe Benson said. “The request is reviewed by the provost who makes a recommendation to the president who, in turn, forwards the recommendation to the chancellor for presentation to and approval by the Board of Trustees.”
Benson said the fee is determined by a recommended amount offered by the colleges in their proposals. The suggested fee amount is evaluated by the provost to determine if it is reasonable before it is sent to the president.
The fees have changed very little within the past five years, with only a $10 course hour fee being approved for the College of Education in 2013 and the department of telecommunication and film in 2012, both of which previously had no fees.
“All revenue from the course fees goes directly to the colleges to meet the needs identified in the fee proposal,” Benson said.
Ann Marie Coley, a senior majoring in social work, said she isn’t a fan of the addition of various fees to her student bill.
“I am fortunate enough to have been awarded scholarships, but there have been a few semesters in the past where I owed multiple fees for general courses and my scholarship didn’t cover it,” she said. “I don’t understand why it isn’t included in tuition.”