Team ambassadors from the online competitive website will be stationed outside the Ferguson Center on Friday, handing out gift certificates to local restaurants and challenging University of Alabama students to join their competition.
“The ambassadors of TopThat will be supplied with $5 and $10 restaurant gift certificates to give to students who show interest in creating or entering a competition featured on the website,” Catherine Rennie, chief creative officer of TopThat, said.
Founded in 2011, is an online arena of competition where students from different universities around the country can submit videos of their best stunts or performances and have them judged by other users of the site. Competitions range from the craziest basketball trick shots to making the best Halloween costumes.
The website offers users the options of creating their own competition, uploading their submission to an existing competition, or browsing other competition entries and voting whether they love it, hate it or have no opinion. The winner of each competition earns bragging rights over other competitors and, starting in 2013, can begin monetizing points they earn through a points system called “Karma.”
UA students will have the chance to learn more about TopThat and even have their own competitions recorded by the TopThat ambassadors. TopThat CEO Brandon Caruana wishes to expose the hidden talents of the University’s student body by setting up an open floor format for anyone who wants to enter or create a competition.
“The team ambassadors will be filming and taking pictures for competitions presented by Alabama students, and the best ones will be featured on the website,” Caruana said.
For more information on how to get involved and compete, visit