Header to the SGA candidates’ letters to the editor:
This week, The Crimson White opinions page will feature guest columns submitted by this year’s Student Government Association candidates for executive positions. Each candidate has been offered the opportunity to submit a column. We will highlight a different SGA position each day, publishing the columns of those candidates who chose to submit a guest column.
It is with great pride and honor that I wish to seek the office of your executive vice president. An inspirational leader, Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The future depends on what we do in the present.”
Over these past few years, I have had the privilege to serve you in several different leadership positions. While serving in the Student Government Association, I have sponsored numerous initiatives to improve student life. These initiatives include: Julia’s online ordering on myBama as a Commerce and Business Administration senator; reaching out to every corner of campus this past year as your deputy chief of staff; organizing the first ever SGA and Campus Veterans Association Memorial; extending hours of operation of Bruno Library during exam week; creation of the Executive Business Council, which will give students the opportunity to get involved with their college and feel a personal connection, and the restructuring of the Capstone Hero’s Award. These are just a few of my past projects that will enhance your experience as a student at the University, and I promise to continue to work every day to improve student life at UA.
As executive vice president, I will continue to serve by implementing more fundraisers for student scholarships, creating more projects among SEC schools and proposing a concert for next year’s homecoming. I have also set forth plans to develop a student savings program and a Military Ball.
I hope to announce soon a great student opportunity that I proposed to the University. I have already spent countless hours working with our provost, Dr. Bonner, the current vice president of Academic Affairs, Clay Armentrout, and a marketing student, Paige Parker, on implementing winter session classes. Students would have the ability to go home over winter break and take an online class. This will allow students to spend time with their families over the holiday and receive credit towards graduation. In addition, we have been investigating a study abroad class over winter break. Students will have the ability to receive college credit in a foreign country.
These past initiatives demonstrate how much I have already done for this University and are examples of what the future has in store for students at the University of Alabama. I would be honored to continue to serve you as your executive vice president. This is my vision, this is my dream, and if elected, this will be our future.
Matt Harris is the deputy chief of staff of the Student Government Association. He is running for the position of Executive Vice President.