Foster Auditorium parking changes
Beginning March 13, the following parking changes will be in effect for the remainder of the spring semester.
-Parking in the Burke lot will be limited to approximately 32 spaces. Entry will be from Sixth Avenue only. The gate from Hackberry Lane will be closed.
-Parking for brown residential permit holders and green faculty-staff will be expanded to include all of Hayden-Harris, all of Farrah, all of the lot at the southwest corner of Bryant Drive and Hackberry Lane, all of the lot west of the Baptist Student Union building and east of the park, and the lot south of the Aquatic Center.
-Parking for commuters will be eliminated at the Baptist Student Union area. Commuters who have been parking in this area may park at the Bryant Drive lot or Coleman Coliseum.
Additional changes to parking in the area will be announced as construction continues. These additional changes are not expected until early May. For a map of the affected area, visit
Undergraduate research conference deadline extended
The deadline for undergraduates to apply for the UA “Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Conference” has been extended until March 22. Undergraduate students of all majors are invited to enter the competition scheduled for April 15 at the Bryant Conference Center. To participate, undergraduate students must register their project by submitting an application form and abstract describing their project by the March 22 deadline. An online application, along with more details, is posted at For more information, contact Richard Mocarski at 348-7163.
Winnie Mandela to speak at UAB
On Monday from 12:45 -1:45 p.m., Winnie Mandela, the former president of the National Congress Women’s League and former spouse of South Africa’s first black President Nelson Mandela, will present a lecture at the Alys Stephens Center on the campus of the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
In addition to the lecture at the Alys Stephens Center, Mandela will participate in a public “Conversation” at the Faith Chapel Christian Center in Birmingham from 4-4:45 p.m.
Both the Lecture at the Alys Stephens Center (1200 10th Avenue North, 35203) and the public Conversation at the Faith Chapel Christian Center (100 Lexington Street, Birmingham 35224-1706) are free and open to the public.
Groups raise $3,900 for Haiti relief efforts
A barbecue hosted by Lambda Chi Alpha, Alpha Delta Pi, Kappa Sigma and Kappa Alpha Theta raised $3,900 for continued earthquake relief efforts in Haiti on Feb. 25. The fraternities and sororities sold tickets at $5 a piece and also sold Boston Butts for $25. All of the proceeds went to the American Red Cross, and Sysco Food Company donated all food.
Capstone Heroes being honored
Emphasizing individual responsibility as a part of Capstone Creed Week this year more than in years passed, 10 Capstone Heroes nominees consisting of students, faculty and staff and one campus organization will be honored today at 3:30 p.m. in the Moody Music recital hall, according to a UA news release.
“The Capstone Hero award was created to honor students, faculty [and] staff and student organizations whose contributions to life at the Capstone reflect the values within the Capstone Creed,” the news release said.
Since 2005, nearly 70 people and organizations have been presented with the Capstone Hero award, which is presented during Capstone Creed Week. According to the news release, “The Capstone Creed is a statement of values listed for students to abide by while attending the University.” The Creed states: “As a member of the University of Alabama community, I will pursue knowledge; Act with fairness, honesty, and respect; Foster individual and civic responsibility; And strive for excellence.”
This year’s nominees range from students—sophomores to seniors—who are majoring in an vast array of fields such as apparel design, journalism, political science, English, health-care management and accounting.
Faculty and staff members nominated are Kimberly Bowens, a victim advocate at the Women’s Resource Center, Rick Funk, senior associate director of Undergraduate Admissions and Roy Clem and Tony Humphries of WVUA.
The sole organization being honored is the University of Alabama Honors College Mentoring Program.