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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

CW should aspire to objectivity

Letter to the Editor January 30, 2011

I was disgusted Jan. 21 when I opened the Crimson White to find a quarter page of base political rhetoric under the heading "News." Does a lecture given by Ron Robinson, president of the Young America's...

SGA leaders outdo state government

Tray Smith January 30, 2011

The University of Alabama Student Government Association was founded in 1914 with “the supreme purpose of …(training) young men and women in higher principles of citizenship.” In this effort, the...

OUR VIEW: Constitution should be approved

Our View January 30, 2011

Tomorrow, students will have the opportunity to vote on the proposed SGA constitution. We understand many students may not feel the need to vote on this document. It is simply hard to get people excited...

Students can create more honorable campus

Letter to the Editor January 30, 2011

On Monday, Tray Smith wrote a column calling for an honor code at UA. As the vice-president of the Academic Honor Council, I wanted to respond and explain what my organization does and wants to do. Ten...

SGA constitution reflects highest ideals

James Fowler January 27, 2011

The United States is rare among nations. Most scholars recognize our constitution as the oldest continuously operating governing document in the world. We’ve held to its ideals for the more than two...

Just buy alcohol another day

Letter to the Editor January 27, 2011

The CW opinions section deserves higher quality articles than "Tuscaloosa: unite for Sunday alcohol sales." It is quite ironic that this article landed directly below Mr. Poole's article, which points...

CrimsonRide drenched with passengers

Austin Gaddis January 27, 2011

As if the rain earlier this week wasn’t enough to make all of us want to skip our classes, the hassle of dealing with the overcrowded CrimsonRide buses is enough to ruin anyone’s day. After trekking...

UA should require physical education

Ben Friedman January 27, 2011

As I watched the Student Recreation Center fill up last week, almost to the point of complete saturation, with students motivated to pursue their New Year’s resolutions, two observations became apparent....

Only you can help honor societies

Letter to the Editor January 26, 2011

With the deadline to apply for honor societies approaching quickly (Feb. 6 @, I’ve been asked by many of my younger friends about my thoughts on which ones are the best and if...

Open internet means more innovation

Michael Patrick January 26, 2011

It seems more than ever that the issue of net neutrality has been thrust into the spotlight over the past few months. In light of the second lawsuit filed against the FCC’s new open Internet order,...

UA freshmen totally unnecessary

John Davis January 26, 2011

Last week two students presented well thought out and well-intended articles regarding mandatory freshmen housing and mandatory freshmen meal plans. Gregory Poole pointed out that the inflation rate of...

New constitution fulfills promise

Ryan Sprinkle January 26, 2011

On Tuesday, you will have the opportunity to vote on a new SGA constitution. This constitution reflects over 300 hours of work from a dedicated group of students who sought the advice of their fellow students...