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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

UA needs to give reasons for forcing Lai Lai off Strip

John Davis March 24, 2011

The headline on March 9 informed us that Lai Lai – the Chinese hole-in-the-wall restaurant that has called The Strip home since 1998 – would be closing, though it might as well have read “University...

UA females should focus on #winning

Kingsley Clark March 24, 2011

“Twitta’s for losers, Jay; if someone wake up in the mornin’ wonderin’ what I’m doin’, they a loser.” Charles Barkley’s right. Twitter is for losers. And like so many of you ladies, I...

Lockout should not be NFL’s biggest concern

Wesley Vaughn March 22, 2011

“Please, see that my brain is given to the [National Football Leagues]’s brain bank.” Dave Duerson left these dying words to his family before he ended his own life. That was a month ago ­— old...

U.S. action in Libya key to fostering democracy

Tray Smith March 22, 2011

The scene is familiar. Impressive missile strikes pounding a foreign land, broadcast live on televisions around the world. We saw it in Bosnia in 1995, in Iraq in 1998, in Yugoslavia in 1999. We saw it...

Potluck not a rage against Machine

Linn Groft March 22, 2011

Wesley Vaughn’s recent column mentioned the Progressive Potluck as a force of change on campus. The following day, Michael Patrick’s column discussed the potluck with a similar attitude. In both instances...

The college student’s case for the Affordable Care Act

Hilda L. Solis March 22, 2011

A year ago this week, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act. The law enacts significant health insurance reforms that will take effect over the next several years. But one very important piece...

New SGA must keep progressing

Austin Gaddis March 10, 2011

As we begin the annual process of transitioning to a new administration in the SGA, it is important that we look at how far we’ve come, where we are and where we’re going. The James Fowler administration...

Changes: Turn and face the strain

Ben Friedman March 10, 2011

The election results were no surprise. Though I endorsed Coresa Nancy Hogan, Grant Cochran seemingly has the qualifications and the intentions to bring about positive change on campus. Though the desire...

Cut the CW and UA students slack

Ashkan Bayatpour March 10, 2011

After reading the highly critical and condescending opinion piece by Ben McGough in the March 9, 2011 issue of the CW, I feel compelled to respond to the know-it-all, holier-than-thou spirit of his writing....

How war costs wreck the economy

Michael Annes March 10, 2011

Most people believe that war spending can “stimulate” the economy. The huge increase in government spending during WWII allegedly got us out of the Great Depression. The problem with this theory is...

Haters everywhere we go

John Davis March 9, 2011

Self-loathing is a fickle mistress. On the one hand, the perpetrator can seem acutely aware of faults. On the other, it’s an excellent method of aligning oneself with the problems and not any foreseeable...

McCough unfair, misinformed

Ross Owens March 9, 2011

Ben McGough’s letter titled “CW caters to thoughtless student body” is unfair and misinformed. The Crimson White is first and foremost a student-run university newspaper produced for students of...