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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Physician assisted suicide preys upon the weak and vulnerable

Will Leathers October 14, 2015

Last Monday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law the End of Life Option Act, which allows physicians to prescribe lethal prescriptions to terminally ill patients, to be taken at a time and...

Medicine requires a generation of creativity

Eric Roddy October 13, 2015

Two weeks ago I caught some heat for a column I wrote about vaccines. It’s an article that I’m proud of and an article that I stand by. Dissatisfaction seemed to come from those who thought that my...

Vaccinations protect everyone, not just your child

Erynn Williams February 9, 2015

In recent news there has been a lot of talk about vaccinations and parents who elect not to vaccinate their children. My issue with parents choosing to refrain from vaccinating their children is not that...

Pilot program promotes primary care

Pilot program promotes primary care

Mary Catherine Connors October 7, 2014

Per medical school curriculum, an MD candidate is exposed to various types of medicine and specialties in order to gauge their interests and acquire hands-on experience. With this norm, it may be hard...

Department of Anthropology to show alternative medicine documentaries

Judah Martin October 20, 2011

“East Meets West” and “9000 Needles,” both award-winning documentary films about alternative forms of medicine, will be screened Monday, Oct. 24 at 6 p.m. in Room 30 of ten Hoor Hall by the department...

Side effects may include sickness

Debra Flax November 4, 2010

I was watching TV the other day when a commercial discussing a recently released asthma medication lit up the screen. It showed a wide-open field with people basking in the glow of a radiant sun, enjoying...