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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Dress codes promote discrimination of marginalized communities

Lindsay Macher September 15, 2015

Cities across the country have been brought to national attention for enforcement of strict, unfair high school dress codes. Dress codes are inherently oppressive because they seek to regulate women's...

Win Johnson's letter represents deeper problems with government

Kyle Simpson July 8, 2015

As Americans, we often view the abstract idea of our republic with pride. The representatives that the people send to Washington are there to advance the interests of the common citizen all within...

Lane says administration has no current plans to alter GUP

Lane says administration has no current plans to alter GUP

Collin Burwinkel, Ben Jackson March 9, 2015

Two weeks ago, The Crimson White Editorial Board published a special First Amendment edition that focused on free speech at The University of Alabama, indicting specifically the University’s Grounds...

Free speech crucial to students' growth

Carolyn Duke March 2, 2015

As a future teacher in America’s school systems, it is heart wrenching to know that universities have placed restrictions on freedom of speech in a setting that should foster discussion and discovery....

Rights in retrograde on US campuses

Frank D. LoMonte February 25, 2015

All around us, the world is experiencing a renaissance of rights. Less than 30 years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court said it was constitutional for the police to arrest a gay couple for having sex in their...

It's time to restore the First Amendment to UA

Catherine Sevcenko February 23, 2015

As The Crimson White’s reporting chronicled yesterday, the impulse to stifle controversy and dissent is alive and well at The University of Alabama. One student described being forced to take a post...

UA must edit policies to protect free speech

Editorial Board February 23, 2015

A university should be a place for a community of scholars to exchange knowledge and engage in meaningful discourse – a marketplace of ideas where truth prevails. Such a vision of higher education necessitates...

The University should make it easier for student voices to be heard

Mark Hammontree February 22, 2015

Since this is a special issue of the paper, this column is supposed to be about the status of students’ freedom of speech here on The University of Alabama’s campus. Well, I guess it’s supposed to...

Law expert comments on campus free speech

Laura Testino February 22, 2015

Ronald Krotoszynski is the John S. Stone Chairholder of Law and Director of Faculty Research within the University’s School of Law. His areas of law expertise include administrative, telecommunication...

Grounds use systems have improved, but lack of trust still pervades

Leigh Terry February 22, 2015

During my time here, I have seen The University of Alabama’s free speech policies from every angle: as a marcher in the unapproved “Final Stand in the Schoolhouse Door,” as an officer in Students...

Grounds use procedure causes student concern

Grounds use procedure causes student concern

Francie Johnson February 22, 2015

What started as a playful event between friends ended in police intervention when the "Harlem Shake" made its debut at The University of Alabama, leaving a legacy of frustration and uncertainty among many...

Grounds use policy complicates demonstrations

Grounds use policy complicates demonstrations

Elizabeth Elkin February 22, 2015

Any student organization that wishes to hold an event on campus, be it a speech, protest, demonstration or other, must comply with the University’s Grounds Use Policy. Concerns have been expressed in...