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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

All content by Ross Owens

Occupy Movements Pointless

Ross Owens November 9, 2011

The article titled “UA Student gets credit for being involved in protest” highlights many of the shortcomings of the so-called Occupy Wall Street movement. Disregarding the absolute absurdity of many...

A day without dignity

Ross Owens April 14, 2011

I cannot believe we are still talking about TOMS A Day Without Shoes, so I am going to cut through the rhetoric by posing a few questions I think everyone who wears TOMS needs to consider. Have any of...

McCough unfair, misinformed

Ross Owens March 10, 2011

Ben McGough’s letter titled “CW caters to thoughtless student body” is unfair and misinformed. The Crimson White is first and foremost a student-run university newspaper produced for students of...

CW poll unfair

Ross Owens February 3, 2011

When I turned to the opinions page Monday and saw another poll had been posted I actually laughed. Not just because I had a well-deserved, private “I told you so” moment, but also because the Crimson...