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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


CW / Andrew Littlejohn

City issues three-week ban against gatherings of 25 or more

In response to an early morning address by Gov. Kay Ivey, Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox announced new guidelines that will affect most local restaurants, bars and breweries until April 6. “We are in...

GTAs left out to dry as instruction moves online

GTAs left out to dry as instruction moves online

Jake Stevens, Contributing Columnist March 16, 2020

Four days have passed since The University of Alabama announced the decision to extend spring break and move to indefinite online instruction in response to the threat of COVID-19. Students and instructors...

CW / Leah Goggins

I ranked the corporate coronavirus emails so you don’t have to

Leah Goggins | @leahisonline, Assistant Culture Editor March 14, 2020

For weeks now, Americans have received conflicting reports on the severity of the novel coronavirus pandemic. President Donald Trump has waffled over whether it is a hoax or not. Some students have returned...

Maddox at a March 12, 2020 presser, where he discussed the city's response to COVID-19

Mayor Maddox addresses confirmed COVID-19 case in Tuscaloosa

Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox has proclaimed a state of emergency following the Friday evening confirmation of a COVID-19 case in Tuscaloosa.  Tuscaloosa is the most recent of six counties to confirm...

CW / Carly Farmer

CORONAVIRUS: SOURCE updates student organization protocols

March 13, 2020

Rosalind Moore-Miller, the Executive Director of Student Engagement in The Division of Student Life, sent an email on Friday evening to student leaders of SOURCE-registered organizations regarding FAC...

CW / Carly Farmer

CORONAVIRUS: Registration timeline shifts with break extension, alternative schooling

Savannah Bullard | @savannahkt_, Editor-in-Chief March 13, 2020
The Office of the University Registrar issued a notice at about 2:30 p.m. today regarding registration for summer and fall 2020 classes. This change comes as a result of the coronavirus disrupting spring classes and breaks. 
Breaking News

University of Alabama extends spring break, moves to alternate instruction

Rebecca Griesbach | @rebach97, News Editor March 12, 2020

Update: 5:35 p.m. – This story has been updated to reflect the contents of a UA News release, which stated that spring break will be extended to March 30 rather than March 24 which was the earliest...

CW / Carly Farmer

UA and COVID-19: Live updates on cancellations, travel bans, confirmed cases

The Crimson White March 12, 2020

We’ve compiled all our coronavirus coverage in efforts to bring readers up-to-date with the news surrounding the University and COVID-19. Keep refreshing for live updates. The Alabama Department...

Students take to Ticket Exchange to voice fear of coronavirus' impact

Students take to Ticket Exchange to voice fear of coronavirus’ impact

Ben Stansell | @Ben_Stansell, Managing Editor March 12, 2020
However, perhaps more pandemonium took place in the comments section of DeLong’s post after one user expressed concerns over their instructor potentially being a carrier of the virus.
CW / Grace Schepis

Coronavirus causes students and faculty to rethink spring and summer plans

Connor Todd | @ce_todd, Contributing Writer March 12, 2020
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, the cancellation of UA-sponsored travel and some affiliate programs has affected UA students and faculty, causing some to cut their trips short and others to re-evaluate their academic plans.
While there are no confirmed COVID-19 cases among UA students, the virus is already affecting their hometowns. CW / Carly Farmer.

COVID-19 corrupts, cancels spring break plans

Ben Stansell | @ben_stansell, Managing Editor March 12, 2020
Concerns over COVID-19 continue to wreak havoc on students’ spring break plans, turning exciting vacations or much-needed respites into stressful situations.
COVID-19 Update: Ahead of spring break, University advises against domestic travel

COVID-19 Update: Ahead of spring break, University advises against domestic travel

Tucker Legerski | @TuckerLegerski, Contributing Writer March 9, 2020

UA has taken further steps to prevent the possibility of someone in the university from obtaining  COVID-19, the coronavirus that started in Wuhan, China in December of 2019.  According to an official...