Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Never-nudes, magicians and mother-boys unite!

I was deeply offended by the comments of Michael Patrick. I know I’m not the first student to say this, but he’s made a huge mistake. As a recovering never-nude, I resent Patrick’s statement that the Arrested Development cast doesn’t “relate that well to humanity.” Who among us hasn’t harbored a cousin crush, worn a trans-radial-prosthetic or committed light treason? Just because the Bluths aren’t up to TNT’s “Real Drama” standards doesn’t mean they’re not real.

I can almost understand Patrick’s distrust of Ron Paul (he looks too much like Emperor Palpatine), but I don’t understand his preoccupation with the duality of Paul’s character. A fiscally conservative candidate can be socially liberal in the same way that a man married to a leggy blonde can enjoy a group of Hot Cops in hot pants.

I dispute Patrick’s claim that “Barack Obama and ‘Parks and Recreation’ beat out Ron Paul and ‘Arrested Development’ any day of the week.” I think that this would most certainly depend on the day of the week. I’m all for Obama and Amy Poehler on a Thursday night, but sometimes I get burned out on of all the Hope and Knope talk. On the weekends, I like to hear a little of “Dr. No’s” gold standards with my incest and oedipal jokes.

The thing is, Ron Paul and “Arrested Development” are consistently unconventional. This is why both have been able to survive in our cultural consciousness, despite losing three elections and being cancelled for six years (Vote G.O.B./Franklin in 2012!). Both are on the rebound, though, and who knows? Maybe in 2013 we’ll be watching the “Arrested Development” movie in theaters while enjoying legalized cannabis sanctioned by President Paul. Only time will tell.


Shea Stripling is a junior majoring in English and creative writing.


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