The SGA Senate approved pay scale changes, as well as changes to First Year Council during their weekly meeting last Thursday.
The SGA Student Senate will also consider salaries for the positions of webmaster and graphic designer. The SGA Chief of Staff will receive $125 per month for 7 months and the SGA Director of Communications will receive $50 per month for 4 months. The SGA Student Senate will establish the temporary pay scale for $17,325 for the remainder of the 2011-2012 academic year.
Senator Lauren Hardison was one of the Senators who voted against the bill.
“I believe that the SGA should not be funded with salaries, because other student organizations aren’t,” Hardison said.
A proposed constitutional amendment that would alter the makeup of the Financial Affairs Committee to the way it was set up in the old SGA Constitution was sent to the rules and financial affairs committees for further review.
The key change would be that, instead of two members from the coordinating body of student organizations, there would be three members and then two more selected by the Vice President for Student Affairs. If the amendment is approved by the committees, the Senate, and then SGA President Grant Cochran, it will go on the ballot for the student body homecoming election.
“This change will give SOURCE more representation on the committee, making the process ore open and clear,” said Senator Swinton Griffith.
Griffith said that the SOURCE and the administration both support the change.
A resolution to change the Code of Laws in Chapter 11, which governs First Year Council, will go to the rules and student affairs committees.
Senator Will Pylant, chair of the rules committee, said the goal is to make FYC a more productive body that mirrors the Senate. The committee also proposed provision requiring FYC applications to be advertised in every dorm.
The Senate also agreed on an act to raise money to fund a commemorative granite paver in honor of the tragedies of Sept. 11. The paver, which will be sponsored by the entire student body, will cost $1,000 and will be located in the Memorial Plaza in New York City.
Senator Jonathon Thompson proposed two resolutions, which were passed. One resolution encouraged membership in the High Tide Club. Members in the club pay a $15 membership fee and will be able to sit in a special HTC section of the upper deck at football games.
“This is an excellent opportunity for students to be rewarded for being part of the experience of watching Alabama home football games,” Thompson said.
The other resolution will encourage students to take advantage of Bama Dining. Thompson mentioned the sustainability page for nutrition tips, and how students can order items from Julia’s Market online. He also explained Mama’s Cooking, which allows students submit their favorite recipes from home. Lakeside Dining will prepare the winning recipe from each month.
“This is to make students aware of other options to make them more responsible consumers as well as introduce choices that will allow them to not only order quickly, but to share a favorite dish with friends and others on campus,” Thompson said.
The SGA also passed a resolution to thank Kent State football players for their volunteering to help rebuild homes in Tuscaloosa.
Pylant said the Senate is still working on the student organization seating process.
“Student Organization Seating encourages students to get involved and incentivizes student organizations to maintain an active role on campus and in the community,” Pylant said. “We will look at ways to improve transparency in SOS committee meetings. I will meet with Attorney General David Simpson and a representative from the judicial branch next week to begin discussing what the Student Organization Chapter will look like.”