Study Abroad Fair to help students find best fit program
September 11, 2018
The University of Alabama Education Abroad Office is hosting a study abroad fair for anyone who is interested in studying abroad. UA Abroad staff, faculty and affiliate providers will be there meeting with students, assisting them in finding a program that meets their needs and wants.
Who: The University of Alabama Education Abroad Office is hosting the event for UA students.
What: Study Abroad Fair
When: Sept. 12, 2018 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: The Crimson Promenade, located between Woods Quad and B.B. Comer Hall
“The Study Abroad Fair is really a one-stop-shop for students to talk to a lot of people at once about the opportunities they have for studying abroad,” said Chad Berry, assistant director for UA Education Abroad. “It is a chance for students to talk to our faculty and staff about what options they have and what study abroad program is best suited for them and their career path.”