Thursday night’s concise Senate meeting focused mainly on legislation regarding Senate procedure and Financial Affairs Committee funding.
Senator Clay Gaddis, a sophomore biology major, introduced Bill 03 in order to improve Senate procedures, specifically dealing with resolutions. Gaddis noticed that senators often motioned to immediately consider resolutions in order to pass. In accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, which the Senate is subject to, motioning to immediately consider is usually reserved for special circumstances.
“[In passing this bill I wanted to] basically move Senate along quicker than us having to motion, vote, [and] vote again,” Gaddis said.
As far as other legislation dealing with Senate procedure, Gaddis said he is working on legislation dealing with absences from Senate meetings.
Gaddis bill was ultimately sent to the Rules Committee for further consideration
Each month the Senate ratifies FAC funding requests. Thursday night, Senate discussed Act 07, which would approve those requests.
For the month of September, the committee heard requests from 29 organizations before making a decision, according to the Act. Senate considered the act and passed it.
Order of Events:
1. Resolution 06 congratulating the School of Social Work on the completion of Little Hall introduced, passed.
2. Bill 03 to “improve procedural integrity,” introduced, sent to the Rules Committee.
3. Act 07 to approve FAC funding requests for the month of September introduced, passed.
4. Act 06 voted to be discharged from the Finance Committee, reintroduced and passed.