The University of Alabama will celebrate the principles expressed in its Capstone Creed in #BamaCreed Week this week.
“The goal of #BamaCreed Week is to help the UA community consider what it means to live the creed in our everyday interactions, both in person and on social media,” a UA News report said. “It means considering the values that are embedded in the Creed as we go about our daily lives.”
The creed, which each University student pledges to follow at their freshman convocation, is as follows:
“As a member of The University of Alabama community, I will pursue knowledge, act with fairness, integrity and respect; promote equity and inclusion; foster individual and civic responsibility; and strive for excellence in all I do.”
#BamaCreed Week will include a variety of Creed-related programming including the kickoff event in the Ferguson Student Center Plaza from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Monday.