Katherine McLarney is a senior majoring in finance and economics from Dallas, Texas, and North Wilkesboro, North Carolina. She is giving a Tide Talks on Friday at 7 p.m. in Russell Hall.
What is your Tide Talk about?
My Tide Talk is about is the correlation between physical health and financial health. Even in college, having poor financial health can increase your risk of stroke and high blood pressure.
How did you feel when you got nominated to do a Tide Talk?
Whenever someone takes the time to nominate you for having a revolutionary idea, it’s flattering. It’s a great feeling to know that someone else believes something I am passionate about is worth spreading throughout campus.
How did you get nominated?
An anonymous person nominated me for a Tide Talk. I received an email from the Tide Talks president letting me know that I had been nominated for a potential Tide Talk speaker and was asked if I was interested in meeting with them to further discuss my idea. I met with a few members of the Tide Talks executive team and talked about my idea. I would highly encourage anyone who receives the email from Tide Talks Exec to take the time to meet with the team, even if you aren’t sure if your idea is “revolutionary.”
Why did you come to the University?
I came to the University because I fell in love with the broad variety of service learning experiences, as well as the ability to immerse myself in leadership opportunities on campus.
How has being at the University affected you?
Being at The University of Alabama has affected me in numerous ways. I’ve become a much more balanced person with a variety of viewpoints. I have learned the value of hard work, balance and the importance of immersing yourself in the local community. The passion for financial health came from my experiences at Forza Financial. For the past four years, I have served as a chief officer for Forza Financial, a student-run microfinance institution at The University of Alabama. Being a part of Forza has taught me the value of hard work and persistence, how to navigate tricky situations, and how a small loan can change a business owners life.