The Mayer Award is given to a student who exemplifies selfless and significant leadership in the University of Alabama community, has greatly contributed to student life and strives to live with integrity.
“Receiving the Morris Lehman Mayer Award is not necessarily a testament to my passion for serving our student body,” Appelbaum said. “I think it’s more of a representation of profound impact mentorship can have on a student. My mentors have built the foundation for my success as a student at the Capstone and have provided selfless time, energy, and encouragement throughout my undergraduate career.”
Meredith Bagley, a professor in the department of communication studies and one of Appelbaum’s mentors, said she made a distinct first impression.
“I was impressed by two things right from the start: an inextinguishable energy for making the world around her better, and a sincerity and generosity that many ‘ambitious’ students use as a veil for self-advancement,” she said.
Appelbaum served on the SGA in both an elected and appointed position, is personal assistant to UA Gymnastics coach Dana Duckworth and completed over 2,500 service hours during her undergraduate career. She is president and founder of UA’s chapter of the American Association of University Women, an organization that encourages, supports and advocates for UA women.
Mary Sellers Shaw, last year’s recipient of the award, said she commends Appelbaum for all her efforts.
“She is not afraid to speak her mind and is a strong advocate for herself and all women,” Shaw said. “Brielle shows true character, and it is an honor to welcome her into the Mayer family.”