The Student Organizational Seating committee – composed of Ann Kathryn Parrish, Ryan Coleman, Sydney Lang, Nicholas Schmitt, Frank Schottgen, Adrian Smith, Katie Vallely and Brad Wurm – voted at the end of each presentation. Each voter used the same color pen to insure anonymity and ballots were placed in a ballot box. Mackenzie Brown, director of media relations for the Student Government Association, locked the ballot box between each session.
Presenters were each given five minutes to show the panel how their organization has excelled in leadership, academics and community service. They were able to ? use ? ?PowerPoint presentations and provide handouts to the committee ?during their allotted time.
At the end of the presentations, the organizations were scored in each of the three categories using numerical scores of 1-10. The total of all three scores will be used in determining what organizations are given organized seating and where in Bryant Denny the seating will be located.
Last October, 20 of the 36 groups who were given organized seating lost their block temporarily due to leaving the game early and absences. Many organizations that did not lose seating privileges last year chose to highlight the fact in their presentations to the SOS board.
Organizations will be notified this week of their seating placements.
The following organizations gave presentations for organized seating:
Theta Tau
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Honors College Assembly
Alpha Delta Phi
Lambda Chi Alpha
Pi Kappa Alpha
Alpha Sigma Phi
Law School SBA
Alpha Phi Alpha
Lambda Sigma Phi
Pi Kappa Phi
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Kappa Alpha Order
Alpha Tau Omega
Blackburn Institute
Sigma Pi
Phi Kappa Tau
MBA Association
Alpha Kappa Lambda
Theta Chi
Sigma Tau Gamma
Delta Tau Delta
Delta Kappa Epsilon
Delta Sigma Phi
Sigma Chi
Sigma Nu
Beta Theta Pi
Phi Gamma Delta
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Air Force ROTC
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Kappa Sigma
Delta Chi
Alpha Kappa Psi
Chi Phi
Zeta Beta Tau
Kappa Sigma