Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

How to beat the college budget battle when shopping for food

College life is not conducive for Hungry-Hungry Hippos. After feeding myself for two semesters, I have gained an incredible amount of respect for parents, the pantry protectors, who devote their lives to keeping the shelves stocked for ravenous dependents. Eating on a budget is not easy, so I have compiled a few helpful tips to keep your belly and wallet full.

Beginning in January, I developed a routine. I would walk into Moe’s and leave with a massive burrito, all without spending a dime. I was able to do this for six consecutive weeks because I combined several of my guaranteed budget-dining tactics.

First, you need to acquire your target. It is very important to choose the right time and place for your mission. My excursions to Moe’s always occurred on Mondays because the price of any burrito drops to $5. This meant my $8 Homewrecker was suddenly affordable. Mondays are great for promos like this. For example, you can score a 5 percent discount on all of your groceries at Belle Foods on Mondays with a student ID. Also, La Lola Loca offers discount tacos to start your week properly.

Once you have acquired your target, you need to gather supplies. Rummage through your junk drawer for any coupons or gift cards. Be sure to check for expiration dates and required purchases. My Moe’s mission began when I found five gift cards, each worth five dollars. This is where the real savings begin. Do not be afraid to stack coupons, specials and offers. Armed with a $5 gift card, I would walk into Moe’s and pick up a $5 Homewrecker. The total came to $5.45, but the sales tax was voided with the gift card. Now let’s apply this tactic to another situation. Imagine how much you could save by walking into Belle Foods on Monday with a handful of coupons. But before you frustrate everybody in the checkout line, remember to check the fine print on your coupons and gift cards.

Once you have gathered your supplies, you need to use them effectively. The gift cards got me five free Homewreckers, but I was able to walk out with my sixth because I made use of the rewards program at Moe’s. After making five “purchases,” remembering to key in my phone number on the mounted iPad each time, I earned a free entrée. There are plenty of restaurants around campus that offer loyalty programs. Usually, they are incredibly easy to join. Email addresses are free to create, so make use of a junk inbox. It is worth checking another inbox every now and then if there is free food on the line.

Never be afraid to ask employees at your favorite restaurants or grocery stores about promos or coupons. In the collegiate budget battle, information is key. Arm yourself with these tactics and get out there to the front lines. It’s a war of nutrition, and Hippos never surrender.


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