DIY UA is an ongoing Creative Campus project dedicated to instilling a do-it-yourself attitude into University of Alabama students.
From 6 to 7 p.m. Thursday night, DIY UA is hosting a bleach print T-shirt party at Maxwell Hall, where Talia Scarpeli, a UA sophomore, will teach students how to turn an ordinary colored cotton T-shirt into a bleach designed T-shirt.
“The session will be a perfect way to create a fun, easy and personalized gift for the holiday season,” saud Shiori Ito, the student director of DIY UA.
Those wishing to participate will need to provide their own T-shirt, but all other materials will be provided by DIY UA.
“I’m just excited to learn to make my own shirts and do my own DIY stuff,” said Danny Ryan, a sophomore majoring in business. “I think that it’ll be good to have people get together and learn a new skill and complete a project together.”
RSVP is not necessary, but if students wish to RSVP or get more information, they can do so on DIY UA’s Facebook event page.
It said this is expected to be their largest workshop yet, with 30 confirmed guests so far.
Upcoming DIY UA sessions during the spring semester may include henna tattooing, a sewing tutorial and candle making. Any students wishing to share ideas or lead a tutorial session may submit ideas or information to DIY UA at