Aurelius Sutter, an instructor and graduate student in the book arts program, is showcasing his thesis, “We Shall Be Monsters,” on Friday and Saturday.
Sutter’s public presentation will be on Friday at 1 p.m. in Gorgas Library Room 7033, with the gallery being on Saturday at Ben’s Bread starting at 10 a.m.
On display will be a total of 10 handmade paper stained glass pieces inspired by the books “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley and “The United States of Cryptids” by J. W. Ocker.
“I wanted to pay homage to the cryptid culture that America has because I think they’re really beautiful. So it’s putting cryptids in religious stained glass imagery to sanctify them and worship them,” Sutter said.
He said that during his undergraduate years, he was a double major in arts and literature and planned to pursue a career in literature, but he felt book arts – the study of making books by hand — would allow him to honor both parts of his identity in a more equal way.
“Book arts gives people the opportunity to explore their voice and put it out there in a way that’s semi-against the grain,” Sutter said. “It’s an old practice, but one that’s kind of fallen by the wayside and is picking up steam again, so it’s a fun way to get your voice out there in the world.”