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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

University Boulevard bridge to reopen

November 3, 2015

The University Boulevard bridge toward Alberta will re-open Thursday at 2 p.m, according to the city of Tuscaloosa's Twitter account. The bridge has been undergoing an expansion project since last December,...

Overuse of technology devalues human interaction

Jake Bass October 5, 2015

The irony of this column is that I am typing this behind a screen, you are most likely reading it behind a screen, and the link to this (hopefully) will be shared over Facebook, Twitter and all over the...

A note to white progressives

Kyle Campbell September 9, 2015

In the wake of the Ferguson riots in the Spring of 2014, over a hundred UA students associated with the Black Lives Matter movement orchestrated a “die-in” in the Ferguson Center, during which they...

Bennett to speak on misogynoir

Bennett to speak on misogynoir

Amanda Sare April 15, 2015

Amanda Bennett, an Atlanta native, is a junior majoring in English and African American studies at The University of Alabama. She will give her first ever Tide Talk on Friday, April 17, in Russell Hall...

Never stop learning

Chris Willis April 15, 2015

At the beginning of this academic year, Mackenzie Brown, the SGA’s former Director of Media Relations, asked the SGA executive members for a piece of advice that each of us would give to the incoming...

Snaps for Bama: Snapchat 'shines light' on UA campus lifestyles

Snaps for Bama: Snapchat 'shines light' on UA campus lifestyles

Cokie Thompson February 17, 2015

When Helmi Henkin, a freshman majoring in psychology, came to The University of Alabama from Menlo Park, California, she was disappointed there wasn’t a single Snapchat geofilter in sight.“Where...

Professors use Twitter for teaching purposes

Professors use Twitter for teaching purposes

Heather Buchanan January 26, 2015

From tweeting test tips to sharing news related to class topics, some professors at The University of Alabama have been able to enhance their classrooms with the 
integration of social media.Dianne Bragg,...

Polarization not a source for joking

Mary Catherine Connors January 21, 2015

It’s big news: Taylor Swift is now being used as a pawn in the game of polarized politics. Late Friday afternoon, Speaker of the House John Boehner tweeted, “Dear Mr. President, there is no #BlankSpace...

Measure with memories, not likes

Anna Scott Lovejoy January 12, 2015

After packing up and saying my goodbyes, I hit the road for seven hours en route to Tuscaloosa for my second semester. During this solitary, relaxing drive, I reflected on my recent holiday travels to...

Enjoy your life, don't post it on social media

November 18, 2014

In one of my classes this week, we discussed the role of social media in our lives. The discussion began with the topic of anonymity and led into a larger conversation of how the use of social media and...

We are disconnecting from our connections

John David Thompson September 8, 2014

In the 1950s, families started bringing television sets into their dining rooms. Consequently, mothers began to notice a decline in etiquette, and away went the TVs. A similar phenomenon is occurring...

UA ranked high in social media engagement report

Samuel Yang June 11, 2014

The University of Alabama is known for throwing its weight around on the football field, in the business world and in legal circles. But according to “A Study of Social Media in Higher Education,”...