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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

SGA reaches out

Tray Smith January 14, 2011

My column today was an introduction to the blog, so I feel like I should spare those of you who have taken the initiative to come look at the blog another promotion of the blog. This is our first day doing...

Senate addresses concession stand lines

Jasmine Cannon October 15, 2010

The week’s proposed SGA Senate resolutions Thursday night concerned football ticket donations, beverage lines at football games and the Afro-American Gospel Choir. Senator Jonathan Thompson authored...

Senate holds first meeting

Will Tucker April 8, 2010

A recently inaugurated Nicole Bohannon began her job as Executive Vice President Thursday night, calling to order a meeting of a new SGA Senate in the Ferguson Forum. New Senators packed the room, and...

McCrummen looks back over past year

William Evans March 30, 2010

As the executive vice president for the 2009-10 academic year, Meg McCrummen said she sought to empower the SGA senate. McCrummen said she has sought to ensure that senators can have their visions materialize...

Senate passes 100 bills, leaves out most real reform

Will Tucker March 30, 2010

The SGA Senate convened a special session Tuesday night in order to hold voting on major reforms to the SGA Code of Laws. The Senate passed all but eight of the measures, unanimously voting to pass most...

State Senate Committee approves ban on texting while driving

Taylor Holland March 12, 2010

Lawmakers in 19 states have passed laws banning drivers from texting while behind the wheel. Alabama may soon become the 20th state on that list. The Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill by way...

House backs Sunday alcohol sales

House backs Sunday alcohol sales

Taylor Holland March 4, 2010

Tuscaloosa residents may soon see a change in county laws that ban the sale of alcohol on Sundays. The state House of Representatives approved a bill Tuesday authorizing a vote on allowing the sale of...

Reforming with baby steps

Jonathan Reed February 26, 2010

I could never call $35 billion a “small amount of money,” seeing as I still find paying an extra quarter for a Dr. Pepper from a soda machine egregious. For our federal government, however, $35 billion...

Reversing our culture of division

Ian Sams February 22, 2010

On Sunday, The New York Times ran letters to the editor from retiring Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind., and former Sen. Lincoln Chafee, R-R.I., that decried the partisanship and inefficacy of the United States Senate....

Senate moves toward reform

Will Tucker February 12, 2010

The reformist tone established last week in the SGA Senate meeting carried over to Thursday night’s meeting as a united Senate unanimously passed reforms to the SGA Code of Laws. Senators voted on the...

Senate discusses code of laws, minimester awareness

William Evans February 7, 2010

The SGA Senate convened in an environmentally friendly manner Thursday night as they began this semester’s first paperless meeting. With the minutes and resolutions projected on a television in the Ferguson...