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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Our View: It’s time for the University to end the Machine’s election intimidation for good

Our View: It’s time for the University to end the Machine’s election intimidation for good

The 2024-25 Editorial Board February 26, 2025

The existence of the Machine might be the University’s worst-kept secret. For years, this select group of historically white fraternities and sororities has controlled campus elections — particularly...

Our View: Why voting matters

Our View: Why voting matters

The 2024-25 Editorial Board October 24, 2024

Every four years, the presidential election comes around with what seems like an inescapable sea of campaigns. However, this year, it is more important for college-aged students to vote than ever before.  With...

Our View: Louisiana’s Ten Commandments law shows the pendulum of the culture war has swung

Our View: Louisiana’s Ten Commandments law shows the pendulum of the culture war has swung

The 2024-25 Editorial Board June 26, 2024

The Crimson White editorial board consists of Editor-in-Chief Maven Navarro; Managing Editor Jacob Ritondo; Engagement Editor Rob Saville; Opinions Editor Abby Cope; and Chief Copy Editor Luke McClinton.  Louisiana’s...

Our View: University of Alabama must take action to stop sexual assault

Our View: University of Alabama must take action to stop sexual assault

CW Editorial Board June 27, 2017

Sexual assault has been brought to the forefront of campus dialogue once again. Unfortunately, this is an all-too-common occurrence that The University of Alabama has chosen to ignore time and time again....

Our View: Nothing has changed

Our View: Nothing has changed

CW Editorial Board March 9, 2017

This year’s SGA presidential election was one for the books. From one candidate running for an unprecedented second term to another campaign seemingly mired in unending elections violations, the story...

OUR VIEW: University must address sexual assault

OUR VIEW: University must address sexual assault

CW Editorial Board February 1, 2016

Ten months ago, The Crimson White decided to dedicate an entire edition of our paper to the issues surrounding on-campus sexual assault. Our staff has worked from that moment to this one to put forth...

OUR VIEW: SGA Judiciary betrays public trust, flouts duty

CW Editorial Board September 14, 2015

On Thursday, Sept. 10, Akeisha Young, chief justice of the SGA Student Judiciary, issued an opinion that the Student Organization Seating violated the SGA Code of Laws and is unofficial until deemed otherwise....

Obstruction by SGA senate a shameful start

Editorial Board April 8, 2015

On Tuesday, the SGA Senate voted 32-13 against President Elliot Spillers’ nomination of Chisolm Allenlundy for chief of staff. Without the chief of staff appointed, Spillers can do little to govern and...

UA was wrong to give Taylor 2nd chance

Editorial Board March 30, 2015

Jonathan Taylor has now been kicked off of two SEC football teams in less than a year for the same alleged crime, and University of Alabama Athletics, University of Alabama Admissions and head football...

UA must edit policies to protect free speech

Editorial Board February 23, 2015

A university should be a place for a community of scholars to exchange knowledge and engage in meaningful discourse – a marketplace of ideas where truth prevails. Such a vision of higher education necessitates...

Search must include more student input

Editorial Board January 15, 2015

For the third time in three years, The University of Alabama is seeking a new president. Judy Bonner became the first female president of the University on Nov. 1, 2012, one day after Guy Bailey resigned...

Our View: Continuing Transparency

CW Editorial Board November 23, 2014

In recent years, The University of Alabama’s administration has shown a lack of commitment to having an open, transparent dialogue on campus. Whenever anything happens that might damage the University’s...