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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

All content by Evan Ward

Seize a well-rounded education, pursue the liberal arts

Evan Ward April 25, 2012

This week’s Crimson White has featured the reflections of many soon-to-be graduates. They will detail successes, failures, memorable exploits and special relationships. Many of these musings will flightily...

Egan’s is best bar on strip, not even near campus

Evan Ward April 18, 2012

The Strip was alive last weekend. A-day attracted fans of all types from far and wide. They came not so much to scout out the Tide’s 2012 roster as much as they came for the spectacle. People who aren’t...

Campus community needs fewer walls in order to succeed

Evan Ward April 11, 2012

Last night I took part in something special. At Blount Hall’s biannual open mic night, Blount students of all ages gathered in the lobby and took turns showcasing their various talents. Among us were...

Independents who blame the Machine are hypocritical

Evan Ward April 4, 2012

I suppose that enough time has passed since the annual post-SGA election lament for me to pen a reasonable response of my own. Throughout this year, much as been made of the greek system’s “Machine”...

Education needs a human element

Evan Ward March 28, 2012

A few weeks ago, 60 Minutes aired a feature on a nonprofit organization called Khan Academy. Its mission statement is bold: “A free world-class education for anyone, anywhere.” As a website,

Republicans need more than “Mr. Conservative” to unite party

Evan Ward March 21, 2012

What does it mean to be conservative? Over spring break, Alabama was consumed by election fervor centered on Republican primary elections. For several weeks, hopeful candidates for all levels of government...

Alabama in desperate need of tax reform

Evan Ward March 7, 2012

Alabamians are dubious of taxes. We have been since we emerged from the primordial soup. Nor do we care for the governments that levy them, whether state or federal. It has seemingly always been this way....

Students should not survey professors or determine class rigor

Evan Ward February 29, 2012

If you’re like me, your inbox has recently been flooded with requests from the Provost to participate in evaluative student opinions surveys. Lately, I’ve been invited by Dr. Judy Bonner to participate...

Simply UnAshamed, or positively shameless?

Evan Ward February 22, 2012

As I was stepping into my car several days ago, I noticed a colorful piece of paper stuck under my windshield wiper. Perturbed, I reached down to remove the leaflet when, much to my annoyance, I discovered...

State government is more important than you think

Evan Ward February 15, 2012

You probably missed it. While most of us this past week were keeping track of the ongoing Republican Primary battle or the President’s birth control mandate, events were quietly unfolding in Montgomery...

Internet media doesn’t aid democracy

Evan Ward February 8, 2012

As citizens of the 21st century, we have never held back when lauding the Internet as a democratic force.  Surely, we believe something that has destroyed so many barriers to information flow will do...

Time for 'Rammer Jammer' to go

Time for ‘Rammer Jammer’ to go

Evan Ward February 1, 2012

In the afterglow of another national football championship for the Crimson Tide, UA students and alumni can take comfort in knowing that Alabama is truly on top of the college football world. With two...

Students should be less competitive

Evan Ward January 25, 2012

As an employee of a student leadership group at the University of Alabama, a group of which I am also an inducted member, I was recently charged with completing a task that bothered me greatly. You may...

Senior columns blur reality

Evan Ward April 26, 2011

It is that time of year when, after all honors and awards have been handed out and graduation looms, the pages of The Crimson White are graced with senior columns. These sappy and generally inane contributions...