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All content by Erich Hilkert

Arnold Schwarzenegger and the greatness of the popcorn movie

Erich Hilkert April 16, 2012

Summer blockbuster movies are just around the corner. "The Avengers" will play in crowded theaters nationwide starting May 4. Multiplexes will soon be inundated, either with action movies that do nothing...

White Russians, Troll films with no trolls and the magic of cult films

White Russians, Troll films with no trolls and the magic of cult films

Erich Hilkert April 2, 2012

"The Big Lebowski," the Coen brothers’ masterpiece, only became a success after it made its initial run in theaters. Some of the success can be attributed to its numerous nationwide midnight screenings....

The Best Guilty Pleasure: Nicolas Cage

The Best Guilty Pleasure: Nicolas Cage

Erich Hilkert March 21, 2012

Nicolas Cage just might be the most brilliant actor we have today. It’s certainly possible he is not, but you must admit one thing: he brings a unique perspective to every movie he is in. That’s more...

Movies the Oscars forgot about

Erich Hilkert February 27, 2012

Hollywood's biggest stars were on the red carpet last night, and the film industry gathered together to recognize 2011's finest achievements. Unfortunately, not every deserving movie or nominee actually...

‘The Artist’ an original tribute to silent cinema

‘The Artist’ an original tribute to silent cinema

Erich Hilkert January 30, 2012

If we are to believe the movies, love and a dependable best friend are all we need to keep going. Of course, it's all so much more complex than that. But it seems to be no coincidence that dozens of movies...

“Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy”

Erich Hilkert January 17, 2012

If you're thinking of seeing the much-talked-about spy movie "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" that just opened because you like James Bond, you might want to head in the other direction and try another spy...

Mary's Cakes and Pastries benefits while serving community

Mary’s Cakes and Pastries benefits while serving community

Erich Hilkert December 6, 2011

There’s no better place to experience holiday warmth than at a bakery. Stroll through the entrance, and the oven provides instant heat. Beyond body temperature, Mary’s Cakes and Pastries gives a sensory...

Ben Stiller surpasses his contemporaries in film

Ben Stiller surpasses his contemporaries in film

Erich Hilkert November 21, 2011

I have a confession to make: I kind of wanted to see “Tower Heist” upon its release. Truthfully, the reviews have actually been positive overall. Yes, the praise has been tepidly positive, but positive...

Football, war and Veteran's Day

Football, war and Veteran’s Day

Erich Hilkert November 7, 2011

There are few times of the year when it makes perfect logical sense to write about a war movie. I can think of roughly five: 1. Memorial Day – what better time is there? 2. Veterans Day, which happens...

Battle with cancer: heads you live, tails you die

Battle with cancer: heads you live, tails you die

Erich Hilkert October 17, 2011

In the new movie "50/50," Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays a 27-year-old named Adam who receives a big shock one day: he has a cancerous tumor on his spinal column. After doing some research, he discovers the...

"Drive" is worth the ride

“Drive” is worth the ride

Erich Hilkert October 3, 2011

"Drive" is a solid movie with first-rate acting, but it is a bit derivative of “Taxi Driver.” In the movie’s defense, it is based on a book, so likely the book was originally derivative. Similarities...

Hollywood should take it easy with the remakes

Erich Hilkert August 29, 2011

2011 has been an abysmal summer for movies. We could call it the summer of the remakes, or maybe the summer of the sequels. Better yet, how about the summer of the remake sequels? After all, the number...

World Cup spurs thoughts about women's sports films

World Cup spurs thoughts about women’s sports films

Erich Hilkert July 27, 2011

The Women’s World Cup might have been among the most entertaining sports events so far this year. Obviously, there's still the college football season and MLB playoffs yet to come, but this World Cup...

Woody Allen's latest success signals career renaissance

Woody Allen’s latest success signals career renaissance

Erich Hilkert July 6, 2011

As of July 1, Woody Allen's latest, "Midnight in Paris," has grossed over $31 million, his biggest box office success in 25 years. It has done so over a long span, a sign of critical praise and strong...

‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ message felt in Tuscaloosa

Erich Hilkert June 1, 2011

After the devastating tornadoes ripped through Tuscaloosa in late April, a film review seems of little consequence. But if we stop and look at director Frank Capra's "It's a Wonderful Life," we may find...

Film: Farley Granger most remembered for 'Strangers on a Train'

Film: Farley Granger most remembered for ‘Strangers on a Train’

Erich Hilkert April 17, 2011

Surely by now you've heard that Elizabeth Taylor passed away a few weeks ago in March. If you haven't, well, now you have. What you probably haven't heard is fellow Hollywood actor Farley Granger also...

Terrence Malick makes his return with “The Tree of Life”

Erich Hilkert April 3, 2011

Among film aficionados, one of the most anticipated movies of 2011 is “The Tree of Life.” The trailer is a visual wonder, and the movie likely will be too, although whether writer and director Terrence...

Film: Films to look for in 2011

Erich Hilkert March 6, 2011

Now that the Oscars are over, we can be thankful that, at least for the next year, we won't have to see Joan Rivers. Unfortunately, 2011 is a year rife with sequels and unoriginal fodder, meaning a somewhat...

Four simple rules to watching this year’s Academy Awards

Erich Hilkert February 21, 2011

As the Oscars quickly approach, millions will be watching on Feb. 27 as Natalie Portman strolls down the red carpet in Vera Wang's latest spectacle. It would seem that for one night, the world's finest...

Cinematography, newcomer shine in 'True Grit'

Cinematography, newcomer shine in ‘True Grit’

Erich Hilkert February 10, 2011

True Grit-- 3 out of 4 stars In Joel and Ethan Coen’s latest, “True Grit,” fourteen-year-old Arkansas native Mattie Ross (newcomer Hailee Steinfeld) is out for revenge after John Chaney (Josh Brolin)...

Film: "Greenberg" earns four stars

Film: “Greenberg” earns four stars

Erich Hilkert February 2, 2011

Perhaps the most pivotal scene in the movie "Greenberg" comes in a scene at a party where the title character, Roger Greenberg, takes a cocktail of drugs, has a relationship-altering conversation with...

Film: 'Youth in Revolt' earns three stars

Film: ‘Youth in Revolt’ earns three stars

Erich Hilkert February 2, 2011

“Youth in Revolt” isn't breaking any new ground; then again, it's fun to watch. The movie is based on the cult novel with more or less the same title (officially it's “Youth in Revolt: The Journals...