“GTFO” film screening to tackle gender issues in gamer culture

“Costume Quest” brings humor to Halloween night

How to decorate your Halloween pumpkin

UA offers 3D printing options to students

Splat Zone Paintball lets Tuscaloosa fight a colorful war

Law school students discuss coursework and application process

Students take the stage for a night of dance at ARDT

Game Column: “Dead Rising” brings goofy charm to new consoles

Haunted Tuscaloosa takes students on a historical tour

The Marvelous Wonderettes comes to Bean-Brown Theatre

Game Column: “Dragon Quest VII” takes players back in time

Game column: “Picross 3D: Round 2” is a satisfying puzzler

Podcast “Married to the Games” deals with life and gamer culture
Game Column: Grasshopper's classic “Contact” keeps things weird

Local music guide: September 1-4

Weekend Band Scene

Game column: No Man's Sky

Bama Theatre Fall 2016 Film Series

Celebrity trivia and variety show comes to BJCC
Breakout gives Tuscaloosa tense team-building experience

“Pokemon Go” brings monster catching to the real world

Voice actors talk projects and process

UA alumnus and student discuss military experiences

Barnes and Noble hosts Harry Potter event
E3 2016 brings new games and hardware to players
Miss Alabama 2016 winner crowned
“Passage” MA Exhibit explores landscape, memory
Teachers learn valuable skills in TEFL Iberia program
Taste Tuscaloosa with the Great Tailgate BBQ Cookoff

UA Theatre to present “Arcadia”

Volksfest brings German food and brews to Tuscaloosa

Fight Night: ABXY offers fighting game league

Daily Grind: Skateboarding around Tuscaloosa

Creativity came to life: student artwork showcased in Joint Art Exhibit

Tuscaloosans compete in 10th annual Great Tuscaloosa Chili Cookoff

Bottle and Bone booms in Birmingham
Review: The New Girlfriend explores gender identity

App Game Review: Little Broken Robots makes problem solving fun

Top Ten: Games to play with friends

Bama Dining presents a new cooking project
Tech Blog: Zip lets users ask and answer questions

Table Top Gaming: Crafting characters at Crimson Castle

Bless this mess: UA students learn to cook
New App links college students together

UA League of Legends teams vie for victory

Spirit Halloween brings thrills and chills to Tuscaloosa

Apple vs. PC: The Most Deep-Seated Collegiate Rivalry
An action packed duo: UA students create comic book company

“Rick and Morty” parodies time and space

Gaming culture alive and well in Tuscaloosa

Super Mario Maker lets users make their own gaming experiences

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain offers freedom and choice

Are smart watches a smart decision?

Japanese student seeks to learn more about America's past

Mobile Games offer twist on classic formula

UA freshmen and seniors share perspectives

Brazilian student finds home at the University of Alabama
Game Column

Rare Replay includes classic games

“Her Story” puts players in role of detective

Virtual Reality is Coming Soon
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Eight electric buses are set to join The University of Alabama’s Crimson Ride fleet this July as part of a partnership between the College of Engineering’s Center for Advanced Vehicle Technologies and UA Transportation Services.
OPINION | Guest Columnist Maria Derisavi shares her side of the story from Homecoming 2024 and argues that the University needs to amend its student code of conduct.
The UA Theatre and Dance department hosted its Winter Cabaret on Wednesday and Friday, featuring Broadway classics sung by students.
The University of Alabama System announced a search committee for the 30th president of the University on Wednesday, a week after President Stuart Bell announced he would step down from the role in the summer.