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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


SGA funds student research

Tatum Roessler October 8, 2014

Students who are interested in starting an undergraduate research project and receiving funding to support their research will have a chance to do so through the Student Government Association.SGA is planning...

Alabama grants waiver release

Sean Landry October 7, 2014

The Alabama Athletics department has sent a letter to the NCAA endorsing former women's basketball player Daisha Simmons' transfer to Seton Hall, reversing its prior position opposing the move. "This afternoon,...

Alabama volleyball team set to succeed

Alabama volleyball team set to succeed

Kayla Montgomery October 7, 2014

Stephanie Schleuder made her debut in 1974. She was fresh out of graduate school when she made the trek from Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Tuscaloosa to become the first head coach of the brand new Alabama...

Group teams up for symposium

Group teams up for symposium

Lauren Lane October 7, 2014

The Alabama Rivers Alliance and the Southern Environmental Law Center are teaming up tomorrow to host a “Blue Ribbon” symposium to promote the creation and implementation of a water plan for the state...

Octubafest returns to campus

Octubafest returns to campus

October 7, 2014

The now-annual Octubafest began in 1974 and was held at Indiana University. Organized originally by Harvey Phillips, the event kicked off a movement now 
celebrated across the country. “Octubafest...

Rowing to travel to Head of the Chattanooga Regatta

Rowing to travel to Head of the Chattanooga Regatta

Evan Reier October 7, 2014

As with any sport, the first major competition of the year is an exciting time, and with coach Larry Davis and The University of Alabama’s rowing team, it’s no different. “We’re always pumped for...

Students turn from TiVo to Philo for entertainment needs

Margaret Wilbourne October 6, 2014

Evolution might be more in Darwin’s sphere of study, but it’s nothing new to the entertainment world. For TV aficionados, options to record favorite shows were born as VCRs, which evolved to Tivo and...

UA Soccer falls 1-0 to Ole Miss

UA Soccer falls 1-0 to Ole Miss

Caroline Gazzara October 5, 2014

The Alabama soccer team’s match against Ole Miss was tough from the start, with multiple collisions and injuries. Despite its attempts Sunday to contain Ole Miss, the team lost 1-0. The Rebels’ fast...

ALLELE lecture discusses trace fossils

ALLELE lecture discusses trace fossils

Elizabeth Elkin October 5, 2014

Anthony J. Martin, ichnologist and professor of environmental science at Emory University, discussed trace fossils at the first ALLELE lecture of the semester Thursday night. Martin said trace fossils,...

Several players injured in loss to Rebels

Several players injured in loss to Rebels

Kelly Ward October 5, 2014

Blake Sims threw a short pass to Kenyan Drake for an easy 10 yards and a first down early in the second 
quarter Saturday. When Byron Bennet and Tony Conner of Ole Miss got up after making the tackle,...

Special teams struggles, Alabama falls to Ole Miss

Sean Landry October 5, 2014

OXFORD, Miss. — On a night marred by injuries, turnovers, penalties and missed field goals, No. 3 Alabama fell to the No. 11 Ole Miss Rebels 23-17 Saturday night, toppled like the goalposts in the post-game...

Professors respond to 'Rate my Professor' reviews

Alessandra Delrose October 2, 2014

For University of Alabama students and college students across the country, the website Rate my Professor is used as tool for choosing the perfect class. Students have the ability to access the information...