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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


CrimsonRide drivers need our support

Letter to the Editor February 14, 2010

There is a struggle for economic justice going on right here at the UA campus, and it deserves our support. The drivers of our Crimson Ride buses are being short-changed and mistreated by First Transit....

Our View: State should cover PACT shortfall

Our View February 14, 2010

In short: State officials should prevent the possible failure of PACT, not UA. Many students and parents are concerned that their contracts with the state through the Prepaid Affordable College Tuition...

DO repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

Letter to the Editor February 14, 2010

In a letter to the editor last Thursday, Ashlie Bowman wrote that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is desirable because of its practical benefits: an army in which gays are forcibly hidden will ensure the...

Monday Night Solidarity

Jonathan Reed February 12, 2010

The most powerful unions left in America protect the very skilled workers of a few highly specialized fields, and when they strike, America notices. They don’t represent industrial workers, teachers,...

Internet should remain neutral

Will Tucker February 12, 2010

Thursday was a key anniversary in Iran, and today is no different. First, on Feb. 11, 1979, the Shah’s regime fell in the face of the Islamic Revolution. In brutal street fights in the country’s...

Teach for America a great program for graduates

Letter to the Editor February 11, 2010

In America today, educational disparities limit the life prospects of 14 million children growing up in poverty. Half of students in low-income communities won’t graduate from high school. Those who...

Our View: Johnson’s job tour laughable

Our View February 11, 2010

In short: GOP candidate Bill Johnson’s tour of Alabama’s dirtiest jobs is a publicity stunt at its most entertaining. Bill Johnson is no Mike Rowe, but don’t tell him that. Johnson recently launched...



CW Staff February 11, 2010

What to do about V-Day

Debra Flax February 11, 2010

What are you doing for Valentine's Day? That's a question I've been hearing all week, directed toward both myself and others, as well. The answers ranged from "Well, [enter bubbly significant other name...

Remaining faithful through hardship

Jason Galloway February 11, 2010

As a journalism major, I’ve always been told that hardship makes for the best story. And although a newspaper article does benefit from emotion, those affected by it do not. I have always known this,...

Secessionists not unpatriotic

Letter to the Editor February 11, 2010

Jonathan Reed’s article decrying secessionist comments made by two Texas gubernatorial candidates was one of the most misguided things I have ever read in The Crimson White. While the author waffled...

Gays pose no threat to military

Letter to the Editor February 11, 2010

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is, as Ashlie Bowman so intuitively pointed out to us, the most “proven and effective solution for the current situation.” I completely agree. In order for us to allow...