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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


Moving forward together

Elliot Spillers March 8, 2015

For the last decade, The University of Alabama has undergone major growing pains. Each year, student enrollment increases, and with it tuition, construction and class sizes increase also. Parking is more...

SGA Election: Student Affairs, Executive Vice President and President

Patrick Crowley March 8, 2015

Today, in a rather packed edition of SGA election coverage, the candidates for Vice President for Student Affairs, Executive Vice President and President will be 
presenting their platforms.The Vice...

SGA candidates convey platforms

Patrick Crowley March 5, 2015

Today, the unopposed candidates for Vice President for External Affairs and Vice President for Financial Affairs will discuss their campaign platforms for 
SGA elections.The Vice President for External...

SGA candidates explain platforms

Patrick Crowley March 4, 2015

Until next Tuesday the Opinions page will feature the candidates for the executive positions of the Student Government Association daily. Today the candidates for Executive Secretary and Vice President...

Maximizing the academic experience

Addison Arnold March 4, 2015

My name is Addison Arnold, and I am a sophomore double majoring in economics and history with a minor in mathematics. I am seeking your support for Vice President of 
Academic Affairs.In my time here...

SGA should help assault victims

Madelyn Schorr March 3, 2015

SGA should do more to combat sexual assault on campus. On college campuses, one in five women is sexually assaulted and SGA should make combating this epidemic a priority to ensure that all students are...

Students must vote in elections to break the SGA's cycle of mediocrity

Matthew Bailey March 3, 2015

I’m in my seventh year here and am currently an SGA senator for the law school, so I’ve seen the work and sometimes disgusting actions that have happened inside and outside the SGA and SGA elections....

Stop ostracizing tactics in SGA elections

Chisolm Allenlundy March 2, 2015

In 2007, researchers at Washington State University published a paper uncovering a previously-ignored factor that influenced people’s voting patterns: social isolation and loneliness. In their research,...

Free speech crucial to students' growth

Carolyn Duke March 2, 2015

As a future teacher in America’s school systems, it is heart wrenching to know that universities have placed restrictions on freedom of speech in a setting that should foster discussion and discovery....

Students must care about SGA to have a voice in their representation

Andrew Parks March 1, 2015

As anyone who’s spoken with me in recent weeks knows, I’ve adopted an almost singular focus on our Student Government Association lately. While many have taken an interest in my discussions, I’ve...

Rights in retrograde on US campuses

Frank D. LoMonte February 25, 2015

All around us, the world is experiencing a renaissance of rights. Less than 30 years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court said it was constitutional for the police to arrest a gay couple for having sex in their...

It's time to restore the First Amendment to UA

Catherine Sevcenko February 23, 2015

As The Crimson White’s reporting chronicled yesterday, the impulse to stifle controversy and dissent is alive and well at The University of Alabama. One student described being forced to take a post...