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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


Don't fear a change of course

John David Thompson January 29, 2016

There are many stressors for the modern college student: student loans, grades, social life and of course, your major. Many students are under immense stress from their parents and themselves to choose...

Clinton's efforts appeal better to black voters

Kyle Campbell January 28, 2016

I don’t know who I’m voting for on March 1. I’m not just saying that because I’m not supposed to endorse a candidate, but because the Democratic Party has three (yes, three) brilliant candidates...

Reasons abound to stay skeptical of Trump

Will Leathers January 27, 2016

By Will Leathers | Staff ColumnistBefore I begin, I am fully aware that in writing this article I run the risk of joining the myriad of lay and professional social commentators who have errantly predicted...

Being vulnerable is a virtue

Alex Smith January 27, 2016

Growing up, I was always known as the quiet girl, easily frightened. In high school, I tried my absolute hardest to be a follower and to fit in with whatever group would let me into their circle. I went...

Acceptance starts with yourself

Alyx Eva January 26, 2016

Acceptance. A word with a hefty, sometimes historical, meaning has recently funneled down into one phrase for me: did I get in?This idea is nothing new. In fact, it starts with our acceptances into The...

Self-interest taints view of political world

Matthew Gillham January 25, 2016

Have ideas about how the world ought to be? How the government ought to run? Don’t fool yourself: you’ll probably be voting out of self-interest come November.Don’t get me wrong, you’ll have quite...

Support the candidates who advance legislation

Kyle Simpson January 25, 2016

The current iteration of our country’s lawmaking body, the 114th Congress, is being historically unproductive in the lawmaking department, rivaled only by the two previous Republican-controlled Congresses...

Millennials care about more than college affordability

Madelyn Schorr January 22, 2016

With ten days until the Iowa caucus, presidential candidates on both sides are getting down to business and releasing policy plans to help gain the support of voters. On last Sunday night's democratic...

Bar bathroom chat: a female-specific phenomena

Meghan Dorn January 21, 2016

I have an odd amount of party stories that take place in women’s bar bathrooms around midnight – like the time I opened a stall to find two girls braiding a third’s hair while she bawled her eyes...

Straight outta nominations

Sarah Howard January 21, 2016

On Jan. 14, movie buffs and casual watchers alike checked to see if this could be Leonardo DiCaprio’s year to finally win an Oscar. In the 88th year of the Academy Awards, Leo received his fifth nomination,...

The state of Alabama deserves a gubernatorial debate

Hunter Richey January 20, 2016

These past several months, we have witnessed the Republican and Democratic presidential primary debates, and general election debates are in the months to come. These debates are viewed as an indispensable...

School identity stretched by growth

Allison Mollenkamp January 20, 2016

In the fall of 2004, The University of Alabama reported “record highs” of enrollment. That year the campus sported just under 21,000 students. This fall, eleven years later, enrollment topped 37,000....