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Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White

Serving The University of Alabama since 1894.

The Crimson White


Announcements for 4/22/2010

CW Staff April 21, 2010

Sorority holds cookout to help DCH The Lambda Zeta Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., would like to invite the UA and Tuscaloosa communities to their first annual Cookout for a Cause. All proceeds...

Relay For Life honors survivors, remembers lost

Relay For Life honors survivors, remembers lost

CW Staff April 21, 2010

By Adriene LaPorte Students will fill the UA Soccer Stadium Saturday for something other than a sporting event. They’ll be there for the UA Relay For Life. The opening ceremonies for...

Students participate in new chess program at magnet school

Christine Kapurch April 21, 2010

UA students will be teaching chess to sixth graders at the new Tuscaloosa City School district magnet school. The UA Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility partnered with the Freedom Chess Academy,...

Documentary highlights cultural diversity on campus

Katy Turnbull April 21, 2010

As a part of Crimson Culture Week, the UA Intercultural Council is hosting a free documentary screening at 7 p.m. tonight in the Ferguson Center Theater. The screening will be followed by a free cultural...

CTL Recognizes Graduates, Looks To Future

Patty Vaughan April 21, 2010

Tutors and student assistants of the Center for Teaching and Learning who are graduating helped shred the “old black book” at a recognition ceremony Wednesday. Because the CTL has moved entirely to...

UA dorms receive energy efficiency rating

UA dorms receive energy efficiency rating

Jessica Cheek April 21, 2010

Several UA residence halls have received an Energy Star rating for energy efficiency this year. Energy Star is a government-backed program that helps businesses and institutions achieve premium efficiency...

Forensics team to hold auditions

William Evans April 21, 2010

The Alabama Forensics Council at the University will be holding auditions today and Friday for potential members. Students have the chance to earn a place on a debate team that has consistently won national...

Paper proves research to be imperative

Amanda Bayhi April 21, 2010

Two faculty members of the Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration helped produce a paper that explains how the research by UA professors helps students become more successful later...

Students ‘take back the night’

Students ‘take back the night’

Will Tucker April 20, 2010

Students arrived on their own and in groups to the Women’s Resource Center’s “Take Back the Night” event Tuesday afternoon on the steps of the Crimson Promenade. Maria Perez-Fisher, Peer Education...

Announcements for 4/21/2010

CW Staff April 20, 2010

Sorority to hold pool party at Riverside The Lambda Zeta Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta is hosting "The Extinguisher," a water mania even in Riverside Community Courtyard Wednesday at 6 p.m. All students...

Fourth annual Mayor’s Cup 5K on Saturday

Brittney Knox April 20, 2010

Since the Mayor’s Cup began in 2007, the event has raised over $15,000 every year for the Tuscaloosa’s Pre-K initiative, and they aim to do it again this year. Registration for the 5K Run and Fitness...

UA Ad Team holds mock presentation

Katy Turnbull April 20, 2010

After nearly six months of research and preparation, the Ad Team held a mock presentation of the advertising and public relations campaign they have designed for the insurance company State Farm. At the...