Our View: Boo if you want to

CW Editorial Board

With President Donald Trump attending Saturday’s game against the LSU Tigers, Twitter has been a circus of accusations, arguments and everything in between. Whether attendants agree with the president’s visit or not, there is something that needs to be made clear: It does not matter what student organization you’re in, what seats you hold or what tickets you bought. Your (appropriate) outward reactions to the president are completely and securely backed by the First Amendment. 

If you decide to boo at this weekend’s game, be sure to do so loudly. Or, if you decide to cheer for him like you hopefully plan to cheer on the Tide, do so with all your might. Regardless, as students, it is imperative that we not only exercise our First Amendment rights but that we do so to the fullest of our ability. The danger of the suppression of free speech is lessened when our rights are exercised on a daily basis. Saturday should be no exception and should be treated as an opportunity to not just voice a viewpoint through cheers or jeers, but also as the greatest gift of all – the gift of expression.

We at The Crimson White are pretty big fans of the First Amendment. The five freedoms promised to us from our forefathers – speech, religion, press (our personal favorite), petition and assembly – provides a foundation on which we, as journalists, can do our job. Not only have we been gifted with the ability to voice both our love and disdain for the president, but we here at the University have been thrust into the national spotlight, providing us a platform with which we can use to express our identities and viewpoints as a student body. Our decorum on Saturday will be broadcast to the entire country, showcasing just who we are.

Speaking of decorum, students should not be worried about getting rowdy at Saturday’s game. To those in the south endzone, for the love of everything, do not be worried about your block seats being taken away from you because you decide to exercise your constitutional freedoms. For those in the student section: seriously, it’s Alabama vs. LSU. We must refuse to succumb to the University’s pleas for politeness, regardless of the University’s reasonings. While we do urge that students don’t break any laws or get physical in their expressions, feel free to hoot and holler all you want. It’s a football game, not church. 

Enthusiasm aside, reactions for Trump’s presence are likely to be mixed. Given the projected amount of attendees expected at this game, protests will probably be as unintelligible as LSU coach Ed Orgeron due to the sheer noise in Bryant Denny. All we ask is that our students be safe, make decent choices and hold their First Amendment freedoms closer than the non-metal pocket flask they sneak past security into the game. The bottom line, however, is this: No matter how you feel, just make some noise.

Nevertheless, we hope to see the leader of the free world at Rounders afterward.