ASU historian presents on first MLK biography

Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Erin Braxton, Contributing Writer

Alabama State University historian Derryn Moten republished the first biography of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. recently, and he will give a presentation Jan. 17 in Gorgas Library for the public.

Who: The College of Communication & Information Sciences is hosting the event

What: The Story Behind the First Biography of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

When: Thursday, Jan.17 from 6:30-8 p.m.

Where: 205 Gorgas Library

Why: George Daniels, assistant dean of administration for the College of Communication & Information Sciences, said this is only one of 16 events celebrating the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday.

“This is a big thing for the University to do this,” said Daniels. “We’ve had a weekend celebration for the last 25 years, but this time we’re expanding that to an entire three weeks of activity that go on until Jan. 31st.”

Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Christine Taylor is responsible for this change, he said.  

“[Taylor’s] big goal was to make sure students are involved in celebrating Dr. King’s life, but more importantly, to learn how that can impact their work as students,” Daniels said.

Daniels said this is an event students should not miss.

“We are very pleased to have the professor from Alabama State University,” said Daniels. “He was instrumental to publishing the first biography of Dr. King.”