Don’t get stuck in being comfortable

Don’t get stuck in being comfortable

Lexi Hooten, Staff Columnist

Eighteen is the perfect age to experience new things and the perfect time to move far away from home. College is that time of expansion, learning and growing. What better way to do it than in a completely new environment, where you can define yourself how you want to?

Whether you move from a small town where everyone knows your name or from a big city that you can somewhat disappear in, a new experience is essential in figuring out your future. How can one person live in the same place their entire life and know exactly what they want to do and be in the world? They can’t.

You have to experience new cultures, new environments, new ideas, etc. to fully know who you are as a person and then in turn what person you want to be for the rest of your life. College is the perfect way to do just that.

By going away to college, you will also learn how do be independent, self-sufficient and responsible – all things beneficial and essential to everyday life as an adult. You will learn how to push yourself when no one is telling you what to do. You will learn the work ethic that will follow you into the workforce. You will be forced to branch out and meet new people, which sounds terrifying to most. This is a skill that will help you throughout life in general, though. Being able to talk to new people and develop relationships is absolutely necessary.

This is also applicable for job searching after college. The skills obtained throughout your college years will help in starting over yet again. You have learned how to be independent, push yourself toward goals and accomplish them. So go somewhere new again. Push yourself again. This will make it easier to find jobs because you are willing to go anywhere. You will meet more new people and continue to learn and grow from those around you.

Always be willing to try and experience new things, because those will be what you cherish most.

Though not possible for all due to financial or other personal reasons, everyone should branch out and try new things that push them to better themselves. These experiences are what shape you, so why not be shaped by as many different experiences as possible?