Homecoming queen application deadline approaches

Halle Bonner, Contributing Writer

Homecoming queen applications are due on Thursday at 6 p.m. for anyone interested in applying. Once candidates are chosen, the homecoming events and campaigning will begin on Oct. 1.

Who: Student Government Association is holding the election for anyone interested in applying for homecoming queen

What: Homecoming queen applications deadline

When: Applications are due on Sept. 27 at 6 p.m.

Where: Apply online at vote.ua.edu


“We look forward to the competition and having lots of participants this year,” said Rosalind Moore-Miller, director of student involvement. “I would encourage applicants to look further into the guidelines that is located in the Redbook at homecoming.sa.ua.edu. The Redbook is a link of the official rules. That particular piece is ran by the elections board and has information that directs them to the SGA Elections website to view those guidelines.”