Culverhouse business school changes name

CW File

Jennifer Johns

The University of Alabama has officially changed the name of its business school to Culverhouse College of Business from its previous name Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration.

Lisa McKinney, an accounting professor at the University, said the college changed its name to avoid confusion.

“People didn’t understand what “commerce” meant,” McKinney said.

McKinney said the University spent a lot of time thinking about the name change, and they asked for input from alumni and partners.

Lauren Crawford, a senior majoring in economics for undergraduate and the master’s program and the ambassador for culverhouse college of business, said the change is timely because 2019 is the centennial anniversary for the Culverhouse business school.

“It’s a more succinct way to say what school we are,” Crawford said. “It was a bit of a mouthful, and changing it to what it is was a good move.”

Crawford said she thought the new name looks better, and when marketing to new students, it will be more obvious what the school is.

According to a press release made about the name change, the new name will be will be implemented through the end of spring semester and into summer 2018 semester.

“All academic and research units will include the new logo and name on digital platforms, print collateral, and other marketing pieces,” the press release said.

Crawford said she hasn’t heard of any resistance to the name change, and she thinks people are either unaware, neutral, or positive

“I would put myself in the positive category,” Crawford said.