Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Shoot like Kobe

With my victory lap coming to an end, there are a multitude of memories, experiences and lessons that can be shared. In my undergraduate career, I have had the opportunity to take part in advancement of the University as well as myself. One thing that I have learned is that there is much to be gained by getting involved in campus life. Rich experiences will last you a lifetime and The University of Alabama has plenty to offer.

If there are two pieces of advice that I can give to the new wave of undergraduate students, it is to always seize an opportunity and to always utilize your resources. Being able to attend the Capstone is something that we all take for granted. On this campus we are immersed with both opportunities and resources that are overlooked every day. These resources extend past what can be offered in the classroom to initiatives that help shape the “out-of-class” experience at the University.

“You miss 100% of the shots that you do not take.” Use everything that this university has to offer to you – I mean, you already pay enough for it anyways. In my time here, I have come to realize that the sky is the limit when it comes to things that you can accomplish on campus. The University does a great job of providing students with opportunities and resources to help enhance our collegiate experience. It should be your goal as a student to seek these avenues in which you can advance yourself as a member of this community.

While you are here, do not be afraid to say yes. Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something that you have never done before. Learn how to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations. Don’t hesitate to run for that executive board position or apply for that on campus job. Use all of your dining dollars before Labor Day weekend. Go to the rec and hit the steam room after a long weekend of crawling out of the Booth and Innisfree. Join an intramural team and compete for coveted intramural championship bragging rights. Walk down University Blvd or Jefferson Ave and fraternity row and go see Waka Flocka shut down a fraternity house. Go experience how black UA turns up at the Alpha House on a Friday night. Whatever happens, just do not simply stay a student while you are here. Do not complain about having nothing to do, or not having access to success or a good time, because that is simply not true. Step out of your box and use these four or five or even six years to bask in experiences that you will never get back.

These years are for trial and error. To screw something up and still have time to fix what you did. Seize every moment and opportunity, because I can guarantee that you will never experience these times again. As my time comes to an end, I can honestly say that I have no regrets about 5 years here. I have experienced everything that this campus has to offer because I learned how to increase the volume of my comfort zone. I learned how to be comfortable being uncomfortable.

Myles Ward is a senior majoring in mechanical engineering. He has served as President of the National Pan-Hellenic Council and as Executive Treasurer of the SGA. After graduation, he will be pursuing an M.B.A. at The University of Alabama.

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