Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Keep religion off opinions page

Last Thursday’s opinion section in The Crimson White made me curious about a lot of things. I thought I’d share.

Firstly, I’m curious as to why the editors of this paper would allow someone to take up nearly half a page proselytizing. Are there really no other opinions that are fit to print? Come to think of it, I heard there was a little oil spill happening in the Gulf. No opinions on that? I mean, if not that, I’m sure we could find a student to get upset about football tickets.

Secondly, I wonder if “The Glory of Allah” or “Radical Buddhism”– or even “Joseph Smith: Not Just a Common Name”– would have gotten the same precedence that this piece got. If we’re going to endorse religions, lets just start a series!

Fionally, and most importantly, I have to admit that I’m a bit confused by the article in question. As a believer, I find it comical that someone who shares my beliefs would waste his time writing columns about it. A message as important as his should be shared with respect, after a relationship with a person has been built. Is the message of Christ really appropriate for a student newspaper? I don’t question the intention of the writer, just the expectations. Frankly, if someone is converted by a newspaper article- well, good luck to him, I suppose. I doubt Christ would have written op-eds in the student newspaper.

He would have probably been out investing in the lives of people. Isn’t that how the message is supposed to be shared?

Reed Watson is an alumnus of the University of Alabama.

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