Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Serving the campus of the University of Alabama since 1894

The Crimson White

Rules to remember during final stress

As the end of the semester comes striding towards us, many of us are left with a few questions: what do I have to make on my final to pass? How little sleep can I get and still function next week? Can a diet of coffee and vending machine snacks be considered a balanced meal? We’re all caught up in the last stretch craze, where personal health and hygiene are thrown to the wayside so we can focus on pushing through the rest of the semester. We are worn out, and everyone has hit the point where they almost just don’t even care anymore. Christmas vacation and Miami, Fla., are calling our names, so taking our finals seems to be getting in the way of our freedom.

So, how do we muddle through these next two weeks? Well, for starters, plan ahead. Dust off that agenda you started leaving at the bottom of your backpack a few weeks ago. I’m all about making schedules, to-do lists and whatever else you can think of. If you plan right now all the tests, papers, and final assignments you have coming up, you’ll be able to breathe easy knowing that even if you have a lot on your plate, you at least can see what all is ahead.

Find a good study space. Finals week is always the busiest time for the libraries, so be careful if you think that’s where you want to spend your life the next few days. The main floor of Gorgas is going to be popular, so try to brainstorm some lesser known areas – check out the Ferguson Center during off hours, McClure Library or even a coffee shop. If the weather stays nice, going over to the river walk might be a good idea, too. Force yourself to change locations, though, and get out of your room – it will help you be more productive and keep away distractions.

Relax. This is one we tend to forget about. It’s OK to take a few minutes to yourself as a break from studying. Hang out one night with your friends – after all, you’re about to not see them for a month. Go watch “Elf” when it plays at the Ferg Theater. Watch an episode of your favorite tv show, or maybe even just sleep a little. (Crazy, right?) Taking a bit of a break will help you concentrate more when it counts.

Dead Week and Finals Week are difficult, there’s no getting around that. And sometimes, it seems like our professors don’t understand the concept of not having assignments due during the week. But your teachers are here to help you learn, so if you have questions or concerns about something, just go to them. If you can’t find a good place to study, ask the librarians if there’s another location they would suggest. No one here at the University wants you to fail, so take advantage of the resources here. Surviving these next few weeks is possible and, with a little extra effort, you can ensure that you have nothing to worry about when grades come home.

Mary Sellers Shaw is a junior majoring in communications and civic engagement. Her column runs biweekly on Wednesday.

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