Rounders Bar, a well-known bar on the Strip that was torn down for reconstruction in June, is on track to reopen in November. The owners plan to open their back room within a few weeks.
When the whole bar reopens in November, it will feature three venues and a rooftop bar. Prior to renovations, Rounders could host 290 people. When it fully reopens, its maximum capacity will rise to 870 people.
“We are doing a bathroom renovation upstairs, downstairs we are doing a full remodel and upstairs we are adding a rooftop bar,” owner Grant McCabe said.
McCabe and co-owner Corey White made the decision to remodel in April but did not expect the process to still be going on during football season.
“We expected to have the whole thing done by about this time,” McCabe said. “We will have the backroom open by the second home game.”
McCabe and White said they wanted to do a downstairs renovation and add an accessible rooftop for quite some time now.
“We never really have been a fan of the downstairs since we bought it,” McCabe said.
The new 3,000 square foot rooftop, equipped with an upscale TV and large couches, will hang over the sidewalk of the Strip and will be able to legally hold 350 people, McCabe said.
“It sounds kind of ridiculous, but I think it will work,” White said.
McCabe described the newly remolded Rounders as three-venues-in-one where students will have the option to either listen to live music downstairs or listen to a DJ upstairs. Those seeking to escape the noise will also be able to socialize on the rooftop bar.
“Rounders is different; it’s diverse,” Austin Alldredge, a junior at The University of Alabama, said. “It appeals to all crowds: football players, Greeks, ragers et cetera.”
McCabe said he has always had the intention to bring something different to Alabama.
“We take a bunch of trips to Vegas. That Vegas atmosphere is what we went for when we did the upstairs, because there really isn’t anything like that to offer here,” McCabe said.