The nation’s largest college philanthropy has finally reached the University of Alabama. Dance Marathon is a year-round fundraising event benefitting Children’s Miracle Network and Children’s Hospitals across the nation. Each event culminates around a daylong celebration — as few as five hours at some places, and as many as 36 at others — in which students stand, dance and participate in numerous activities. Dance Marathon revolves around its national slogan, “Standing for Those Who Can’t,” speaking to the numerous children and their families impacted by Children’s Miracle Network each year.
Across the nation, hundreds of colleges host Dance Marathon on a yearly basis. In the Big Ten, schools such as Iowa and Indiana raise over one million dollars a year. In the SEC, Kentucky and Florida raise between $600,000 and $800,000 year in and year out. Even Auburn, in their first full year of fundraising, has set the national record for a first-year program with over $60,000 raised.
Why can’t the University of Alabama be just as successful?
The University of Alabama Dance Marathon will hold its first annual Dance Marathon on April 20 at the University Recreation Center. The event will be a seven-hour event lasting from 1 p.m. until 8 p.m. benefitting Birmingham Children’s Hospital. The Dean of Students, the Honors College and the Panhellenic Council sponsor the event.
UADM’s first year goal is $10,000 and 100 to 200 student participants. So far, we have over $2,500 and more than 60 registered students. The seven-hour event will consist of multiple genres of music, a dodgeball and basketball tournament, themed activities and a rave to finish the final hours. Children from Children’s Hospitals of Alabama and their families will be in attendance, so those involved will be able to interact with the amazing children that they are impacting.
We are encouraging organizations or friend groups to form a team and register online through our website. It is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your organization as well as meet people from all walks of campus. It is also a great, fulfilling way to kick off the weekend.
Our goal for this organization and this annual event is not only to raise awareness for Children’s Miracle Network and money for a great cause, but also to unite the campus under a single roof. Our campus has its riffs and divides, especially when it comes to major issues, but there should not be a divide when it comes to the people one encounters on a daily basis.
By bringing together the Honors College, the Panhellenic Council and other organizations throughout campus, we hope to unify this campus through an entertaining, meaningful event. Other campuses that have Dance Marathon look forward to this yearly event — in most cases, it’s the largest philanthropy event for the college — for months. And although most of these campuses have had Dance Marathon for years, we aspire to reach that point and have this event evolve into a unifying and memorable experience. With the resources available at the University of Alabama, Dance Marathon can do big things.
If you would like to find out more information or donate/register to UADM, check out our Facebook page or Twitter (@uadancemarathon), or email me at
Tyler Rigdon is a junior majoring in marketing. His column runs bi-weekly on Wednesdays.