UA should make online SmarterProctoring free

CW / Garrett Kennedy

Siby Suriyan, Contributing Columnist

Bama By Distance’s SmarterProctoring is a popular tool among UA professors who have online-only classes. Currently, there are two options for SmarterProctoring: the free on-campus proctored tests at Martha Parham West and pay-to-test online proctored tests. Due to the new COVID-19 safety measures and social distancing guidelines, The University of Alabama should consider making online proctored exams free. 

The University has seen more than 2,000 COVID-19 cases, with UA quarantine facilities currently at 3.9% capacity. According to Bama by Distance, students with COVID-19 are essentially at the mercy of their departments when it comes to taking exams online. If the department fails to provide an alternative, these students will be forced to pay exam fees if they want to maintain their grades while in quarantine. UA students should not be forced into a pay-to-test system for their classes, especially considering that this policy harms low-income students the most.

These 2,000-plus cases are not the only challenge. According to Bama By Distance, their on-campus proctoring option is heavily limited due to social distancing guidelines. Currently, it is only operating at half capacity. This new policy is necessary to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, but its effect is still harmful. Fewer students will have the ability to schedule on-campus proctored exams, forcing them to go online. Again, students will be subjected to pay for an online proctoring service just to take an exam.

The University should not only make SmarterProctoring’s online service free, they should also expand the number of online seats available and make its scheduling system more flexible. 

With the increased number of students reliant on online testing, UA must create more online seats. Currently, the system operates on a first-come-first-served policy; therefore, if a student fails to register early enough, he or she cannot complete the exam. Students should not fail to complete an exam because the number of students needing to take an exam exceeds the number of seats available.

The University must make SmarterProctoring more flexible in its online service. Students can develop COVID symptoms at any time, and if a symptom arises days before a test, the student will be forced to complete the exam online even if they were responsible and scheduled an on-campus proctored exam weeks in advance. Furthermore, it will be extremely difficult to schedule an online proctored exam on such short notice, without expanding the number of available seats. The University of Alabama is experiencing a chaotic moment, and it must be flexible in its testing policies if students are to maintain their course load.

While the University is doing the best it can to provide students an enjoyable campus experience, it clearly has its priorities wrong. The University was quicker to establish its football season schedule than its online testing service. Instead of focusing so much time and energy on extracurriculars and campus life, UA should perform its purpose for existing. It should be a University.