Virginia Governor Northam should resign

Dominick Calcara, Staff Columnist

Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia is the most recent politician to be found in a scandal. He was photographed in his medical school’s yearbook with another student, one donning a KKK costume and the other doing blackface. He at first accepted responsibility but then changed his story and said he never wore the costume, instead saying he once did blackface in a Michael Jackson costume. Northam, a member of the Democratic Party, has heard many calls for resignation, but mainstream media teams are finding ways to coddle him. Had the same situation happened to a Republican, they would be gone already.

CNN did an interview with Northam, conducted by Dan Merica and Ryan Nobles, which they described as “a remarkable, hour-long news conference.” The article continues to talk about the incident, then mentions a list of people that are calling for his resignation, such as Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. However, Northam remains in office. An NBC news panel featuring Eddie Glaude Jr. even went so far as to blame the whole incident on President Donald Trump, saying, “it has something to do with what Trump has unleashed.” While they all still condemn Northam, neither NBC nor CNN allow the incident to be what it is: an incident that should lead to his dismissal. NBC and CNN want to craft the story to seem as if the Democratic Party can do no wrong, and that maybe everyone deserves a second chance, right?

All it takes is a quick Google search to find countless articles on the accusations that Trump and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh faced, and why those men should not be in office currently. Nothing has yet been proven against either of the two, but that doesn’t stop the liberal media from berating them endlessly. If a recording of Kavanaugh inappropriately touching Dr. Christine Ford came out today, he could be removed from the Supreme Court within 24 hours. If a picture of Donald Trump wearing any type of racist outfit surfaced, he could likely be gone within a week. Here we not only have an actual picture of Northam taking part in a racist act, but we have him admitting to it. There should be outrage nationally from all news sources and politicians, no matter which side they are on. But while NBC and CNN ripped Kavanaugh and Trump and wanted them gone, they now have a very different view on second chances.

Maybe the mainstream media would go after Northam more if those next in line were Democrats too, right? That way the liberal narrative would be safe? Should Northam step down, the next in line is Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax, a Democrat who is also currently in a sexual assault scandal of his own. Third in line? That would be Democrat Attorney General Mark Herring, who recently admitted to doing blackface at a college party in 1980. So that makes three straight state leaders who should be removed. Who’s fourth in line? A Republican house speaker, Kirk Cox, with a clean record.

Whether you watch the mainstream media or not, you should want Northam gone. He made a mistake, but not a mistake that is worth forgiving and forgetting. Ditch the liberal media and join the sane people calling for his removal as governor of Virginia.