CW / Lexi Hall
The Campus Mail Service updated its mailing district zones and pickup locations this year. There are more than 1,000 available parcel lockers across campus.
Every UA student is automatically assigned a unique six-digit mailstop code. This code is permanently assigned and allows every student the opportunity to receive a trackable item at the mail center. Each mailstop code can be found under the Student tab in myBama through “Campus Services” with the label “MSC (Mail Stop Code) Number.”
The Division of Finance and Operations said it’s important to use the student’s full name, since many students have the same or similar first and last names. The format is shown below.
Student’s full name
MSC #123456
District #123
1831 University Station
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
The new pickup locations include additional parcel lockers across campus. The designated parcel locker pickup locations are assigned based on each student’s on-campus residence. Each of the parcel lockers will be personalized to the student and can only be opened using a code sent in a specialized email. There are seven district zones available with parcel lockers.
Presidential I — District Zone 01 — Pres I Game Room
President II — District Zone 02 — Pres II Game Room
Riverside, Highlands, Lakeside — District Zone 10 — Riverside Breezeway
Paty — District Zone 20 — Paty
Bryant, Blount, Burke, England, Harris, Parham, Ridgecrest — District Zone 30 — UA Student Mail Center
Tutwiler — District Zone 40 — Tutwiler
Bryce Lawn, Greek — District Zone 50 — Bryce Lawn
Brandon Nguyen, a sophomore majoring in political science, has used the lockers on a few occasions to pick up packages.
“The process is really easy, and you just get sent a code when it’s ready,” Nguyen said. “And I haven’t really had to wait at all.”
Anna Johnson, a sophomore whose major is undecided, said she feels the same.
“It’s convenient to my residence hall and I don’t really ever have to worry about it,” Johnson said. “It’s nice to just be able to go pick it up when I have time.”
Not all students are fans of the new mail system.
“I do get my mail, but it is slow,” said Kalei Burgess, a senior majoring in public relations.” They are very inconsistent using district numbers, so I usually just have to come to the Mail Center to get my mail.”
Jessica Suns contributed to the reporting of this story.