The first town hall meeting by a U.S. House Representative member from Alabama was held Saturday morning when Rep. Gary Palmer met with constituents at Hoover City Hall.
According to a report from AL.com, 350 people went to City Hall, but only around 160 people were allowed inside due to capacity limits. Palmer spoke to the constituents outside, promising to hold another forum at a larger venue, AL.com reported.
During the town hall, AL.com reports that Palmer touched on many topics, and that members of the reportedly largely liberal audience would hold up green cards when they agreed with what he said, red when they didn’t.
The congressman received a mixture of cards and said that the purpose of the event was not to say what the audience wanted to hear.
“If I start pandering, then I’m a liar, and that’s not gonna help me,” Palmer said to the audience. “When we understand when we disagree, then at least we can have a dialogue.”
According to AL.com, Palmer received red cards for his views on defunding Planned Parenthood, that climate change is not man-made, and his reasoning that Congress should not investigate Trump’s interactions with Russia, as he said that is under the jurisdiction of the intelligence community. They held up green cards when he denounced deporting illegal immigrants and when he expressed concern over the bomb threats against both the Birmingham Jewish Community Center and JCCs at large.